Learning Center

The USAdojo.com Learning Center shares information about studying martial arts, about systems and styles, about vocabulary used in martial arts and about martial arts books, magazines and APPS that help us learn.

Khmer Wrestling

Khmer Traditional Wrestling

The Khmer traditional wrestling championships take place each August, in the Olympic stadium, along side the modern Olympic Wrestling Championships. Although held on the...
Boxing The Vietnamese

A Brooklyn Monk Trains Burmese Boxing

Antonio Graceffo Trains Burmese Boxing An old man slapped me under the chin with the palm of his hand. My head whipped back, and I saw...

Kuntaw Grappling

This Philippine Martial Art of Kuntaw is a flexible, complete fighting system, which can be modified for any style of competition. Almost no one had heard...
Grand Master San Kim Sean

San Kim Sean Shares Khmer Bokator

Grand Master San Kim Sean shares about Khmer Bokator, The Ancient Form of Cambodian Martial Arts. “We can fight standing up.” Explained San Kim Sean,...
Scott Sonnon Practicing Sambo

The True History of Combat Sambo

The Timeline of Sambo’s Evolution This history of Sambo matches Winston Churchill’s description of Russia as a “riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma.”...
Dave Kovar's Living Lessons

Living Lessons: Choices

Every day we are faced with myriad of choices. Most of the time, they seem pretty insignificant. I am hungry for a snack, should I...
Martial Thought

Martial Thought

Thought is not uniquely human, but it is unique in the level of thinking power that mankind possesses. Man is a reflective and thinking...
Ip Man Quote

Find Your Full Potential in Martial Arts

What is that "something more" that practicing martial arts can provide? Isn't martial arts just about getting in shape and learning to fight? If...
Sensei Ryan Speaks Out

Sensei Ryan Speaks Out Saying YOSHI or Let’s Go!

Sensei Ryan Speaks Out Saying about Yoshi which in Japanese means "Let's go" or "I'm going to do this now." It's a way to get...

The Term Dojo

This is not an attempt to give either a history of Buddhism or Zen-Buddhisms  arrival and its impact on Japan. It is only meant...
Jim Wagner Articles

Inside the Martial Arts of the Israeli Military

Osama Bin Laden’s al-Qaeda terrorist network claimed that they brought down the World Trade Center towers and punched a hole into the Pentagon on...
Ai-Yotsu and Kenka Yotsu

A Different Definition of Ai-Yotsu and Kenka Yotsu

In order to truly understand the difference between the terms Ai-Yotsu and Kenka Yotsu, one should dismiss the definitions of so called right-handed and...
Martial Arts DVDs

Learning Martial Arts By Video

Traditional martial artists frequently scoff at the idea of learning martial arts by video, arguing that you need a live instructor to guide you...
Martial Arts Training DVD's

Can Training DVDs Teach Techniques as Well as Humans?

In recent years there's been a boom in the sales of martial arts training DVDs designed to teach certain skill sets to viewers. As...
The Princess and the Ogre: Martial Arts Based Nursery Rhymes

The Princess and the Ogre: Martial Arts Based Nursery Rhymes and Fairy Tales for...

Many of the fairy tales and nursery rhymes you know are wrong. To write The Princess and the Ogre: Martial Arts Based Nursery Rhymes...
Humiliation: It Does the Fighter Good

Humiliation: It Does the Fighter Good

Humiliation is good for you - martial artist or not - even if it stings the ego a little if it gives you the...