Wing Chun Taoism: Effortless Fighting
"To return to source is true knowing. To be simple is to be truly complex. To let go is to truly grasp."
Wing Chun Taoism...
What Jujutsu Is Not
Over the last few days I have had a few occasions to discuss what Jujutsu is and what Jujutsu is not, and in both...
Sensei Ryan Speaks Out About Inspiration
Sensei Ryan Speaks Out about Inspiration and how it is much more powerful than motivation. Motivation comes from the mere fact that you want...
Filipino Full Contact Stickfighting
Filipino Full Contact Stickfighting is an exciting martial art and sport where two superb Eskramadors /Arnisadors square off to battle with one or two...
Krav Maga: A Generalization
By Chaim Peer, Moni Aizik, Avi Nardia, Johan Castillo
Krav Maga is a beautiful martial art, created by one of the most influential and leading...
Journey to the Heart of Aikido
Journey to the Heart of Aikido presents the teachings of Motomichi Anno Sensei, one of the few remaining direct students of Morihei Ueshiba, the legendary...
A Warrior’s Odyssey
Warrior Odyssey is the sixth book written by Antonio Graceffo, the American host of the web TV show Martial Arts Odyssey. Having spent...
Silat Kalam – A Malaysian Art Tied Closely to the Religion of Islam
stood in a neutral stance, hands at his side, feet side by side, a natural and relaxed stance, which is the starting point of...
Cambodian and Thai Martial Arts Explained
Since the launch of my web TV show, Martial Arts Odyssey, more than 18 months ago, I have received a lot of email asking...
Fight in Hanoi Park
For my web TV Show, “Martial Arts Odyssey,” I try to show little known, and culturally interesting martial arts, in unusual locations, which few...
Muay Thai Chaiya: It’s Nothing Like Muay Thai
I recently discovered Muay Thai Chaiya, which I train with Kru Lek. It is an ancient form of Muay Thai, a codified martial arts...
They beat the Chinese, the French, the Americans, and even Genghis Khan in war, so I figured the Vietnamese could teach this Brooklyn Monk...
Kung Fu Panda and the Brooklyn Monk
“Your training is a lonely war.”
When you train, you battle yourself. You wrestle your internal demons forcing your mind and body to bend. We...
Muay Thai Kawila
“Ten in a row on each side.” Said the coach.
If he had been talking about punches I might have been OK. But it was...
Shan Monks in Exile: Seeking Basic Human Freedoms
The young Shan monk told me that the first time he came to Thailand he came illegally, to study Pali, the ancient Buddhist script....
Muay Lao: The Forgotten Art of Kickboxing
“You can gain extra power on your kicks by throwing your kicking arm down, but you need to protect your face with a cross...