Learning Center

The USAdojo.com Learning Center shares information about studying martial arts, about systems and styles, about vocabulary used in martial arts and about martial arts books, magazines and APPS that help us learn.

Soo Bahk Do Moo Duck Kwan

Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan

In 1945 Grandmaster Hwang Kee founded the martial arts system of "Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan". It originated from the ancient Korean martial...
Dane Harden

Satsujinken and Katsujinken

Satsuninken and Katsuninto, the swords of death and life, are a metaphor regarding balance, center, and free will. “Go seek balance Daniel-san,” these were the...
Dana Stamos

Thoughts From A Martial Arts Journalist

I consider myself a martial arts journalist and I take my job very seriously. For me, the job of a journalist in the martial...
Dave Kovar's Living Lessons

My Martial Arts Journey

I love my martial arts journey, probably just like you. I love training. I love teaching. I love what martial arts does for people. Over...

The Victor Marx Story

The Victor Marx Story is the true-life story of Victor Marx and it will show how a person can get true freedom from negative...
Jigoro Kano Judo

Jigoro Kano And The Not So Brief History of Judo

Indeed, Jigoro Kano was many things to many people. Like Sir Thomas More, he was a man for all seasons. His many worlds encompassed...
BattleCON: War Remastered

Bruce Lee Joins BattleCon Fighting Card Game

Bruce Lee joins BattleCon fighting card game as a playable fighter in their newest release BattleCON: War Remastered Edition. This news came from Level 99...
Inside Kung-Fu Magazine

Inside Kung-Fu Magazine

Inside Kung-Fu Magazine covered a wide spectrum of martial arts styles including kung-fu, tai chi, muay thai and Korean and Japanese styles. Inside Kung Fu...
Donald Miskel

Dishonor in the Martial Arts

Most of you who read this know who I am and you know my reputation. You may not all like me or agree with...
Chito-ryu Karate

Chito-ryu Karate

The history of Chito-ryu karate begins with our founder, Tsuyoshi Chitose (1898-1984). He was born in the Kumochi area of Naha City on the island of...

Arcanum of Ninja Tactics: Legacy of the Shadow Warrior

Arcanum of Ninja Tactics: Legacy of the Shadow Warrior is available on Amazon. Written by Mark Steven Grove, the book is Illustrated by Matthew...
Living Lessons with Duke Tirschel

One Breath Away

I couldn't see why anyone would visit someone who was at home sick in bed. They need their rest, the peace and the quiet....

The Wrestler’s Dissertation: Wushu, Chinese and Western Wrestling

Pankration, Gladiators, Mongolia, Shaolin kung fu, Catch Wrestling, the Olympics, Wushu, Pro Wrestling, Sanda, and MMA… The Wrestler’s Dissertation: Wushu, Chinese and Western Wrestling traces...
T.A. Newman Watercolor Painting

Accepting Funakoshi’s Challenge

My favorite Gichin Funakoshi quote is: “Everything you encounter is an aspect of karate: find the marvelous truth there.” By Thomas A. Newnam  ~ Did...
Khmer Wrestling

Kun Khmer or Pradal Serey

Kun Khmer or Pradal Serey in Khmer English stands for Free Boxing or Khmer Boxing. It is one of the Khmer names for the...
The Way of the Warrior

The Way of the Warrior By Chris Crudelli

Chris Crudelli is the author of The Way of the Warrior: Martial Arts and Fighting Styles From Around the World, a magnificent visual guide...