Dan Ivan Passed Away
This is sad news. I learned of it from Kevin Suzuki, a life-time student of Fumio Demura, that Dan Ivan passed away.Dan Ivan was...
Hidetaka Nishiyama: Shotokan Karate
Hidetaka Nishiyama is a Japanese-American martial arts master, instructor, author, administrator and pioneer. A student of Gichin Funakoshi, the founder of Shōtōkan-ryū, Nishiyama is...
Sam Kuoha and His Kara-Ho Kempo
The worse case scenario in a fight is to be surrounded by a handful of people whose only purpose in life at that moment...
Kentsu Yabu: Shorin-ryu Karate
Kentsu Yabu was born on September 23, 1866 in Shuri, Okinawa. He was a prominent teacher of Shorin-ryu karate in Okinawa from the 1910s...
Jeff Speakman: Kenpo 5.0
Jeff Speakman got his start as an entertainer and entrepreneur early in life. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, he once brought down a...
Jim Harrison: Bushidokan Karate
"Jim Harrison saved my life once... he pulled his punch and inch from my face!" - Chuck Norris
Legendary Jim 'Ronin' Harrison is one of...
Allen Steen: Tae Kwon Do
Allen Steen was an early student of Tae Kwon Do Grand Master Jhoon Rhee at Southwest Texas State College in San Marcos, Texas. Allen...
Bong Soo Han Passed Away
Dear Martial Arts Community, It is with a heavy heart that we tell you that Grand Master Bong Soo Han passed away on Monday, Jan...
Peichin Takahara: Ch’uan Fa
Peichin Takahara was born in 1683 in Akata Cho, a small section of the city of Shuri, Okinawa in the Ryūkyū Kingdom. He was an early...
Steve Armstrong: Isshinryu
Steve Armstrong was born in Guymon, Oklahoma on September 22, 1931. He began studying Karate at the age of 16.
Armstrong grew up in Texas...
Ernest Lieb Killed in Train Crash
A world renowned martial arts expert and longtime Muskegon resident, Ernest Lieb killed along with at least 23 people Friday when a high-tech train crashed in...
Michael DePasquale Sr.: Ju-jitsu
Michael DePasquale Sr. was one of the true pioneers of martial arts in the United States. He began his study of the martial arts...
Michael DePasquale Sr Passed Away
On September 23, 2006 at 1:30pm Soke Michael DePasquale Sr passed away. The world has lost a martial arts legend and pioneer. A loving...
Dick Douglas Jr Passed Away
Dick Douglas began teaching martial arts in 1966, and shared his love of martial arts with hundreds of students over the next 40 years,...
John Graden
John Graden is an author, athlete, publisher and pioneering martial arts visionary, and is recognized as an important martial arts leader in this decade....
Howard Jackson Top National Fighter
Master Howard Jackson was born in June 27, 1951 and hails from the mean streets of Detroit, Michigan. Survival was a daily affair and to do...