Street Wise

Street Wise articles on USAdojo will help improve individuals chances for survival when attacked on the street.

Stephen Spivey Survival Guide

Self Defense Is Not Rocket Science

Here is a bold statement; self defense is not rocket science. In its most simple form it should be a natural flow of simple...
Donald Miskel

Self Defense vs. Personal Security

For the most part I don’t write on demand and I don’t take requests. I’m a martial art instructor not your local DJ. That...
Best Defense in a Street Fight

Is Kicking the Knee the Best Defense in a Street Fight?

Dear Michael, A friend who practices traditional karate recently told me that the best defense in a street fight would be sidekicks to my opponent’s...
How to Spar for the Street

How to Spar for the Street: Part 1

Almost all martial artists include sparring in their training. However, there are many different types of sparring and there is some debate as to...
How to Spar for the Street

How to Spar for the Street: Part 3

In this series of articles we are discussing how to make your sparring relevant to real situations. As we've discussed in previous articles, the...

Combat Principles: Beat Anyone in a Fight

Years ago, I was lifting my daughter from the floor. She helped by jumping as I lifted, and our combined energy drove her head...
Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence: Battered But Not Beaten

Mixing Jujitsu with your Tae Kwon Do may save your life! For years Rancella Ferguson ignored her husband’s abusive ways, not seeing it as the...
Judo Throw

Adding Judo to Your Self-Defense Toolbox Part 1

Judo is arguably the most underrated fight sport for nonweapons self-defense. For years it’s been overshadowed by striking-based martial arts. It wasn’t until the...
How to Spar for the Street

How to Spar for the Street: Part 2

In this How to Spar for the Street series of articles we are discussing how to make your sparring relevant to real situations. The...

Warrior Training with Traditional Martial Arts Part 1

Part One: Traditions – Introduction “The way you train is the way you fight and the way you fight is because of the way you...

Dancing with Darkness: The Reality of Conflict

Let me continue a bit on the discussion of my last post: I had an interesting conversation with a member of my group (Kyusho-jitsu Kenkyukai,...
BTK Killer

The Best Defense Is A Good Offense

The BTK killer was asked if there was anything that would have made a difference with his victims. He answered, “I guess if they...
Donald Miskel

Fifty-Sixth Year Observations: Martial Arts Developed for Self Defense and Combat

Today is October seventeenth, two thousand and thirteen. Today I made sixty six years of age. That means I am no longer young. Actually...
Martial Arts are About Survival

Martial Arts Are About Survival

Here’s a shocker for you … martial arts are about survival. Yep, that’s right. The purpose of martial arts is to have the skill...