Street Wise

Street Wise articles on USAdojo will help improve individuals chances for survival when attacked on the street.

How to Spar for the Street

How to Spar for the Street: Part 1

Almost all martial artists include sparring in their training. However, there are many different types of sparring and there is some debate as to...

No Lie Blades: From Martial Artists to Combative Practitioner

I started my martial arts journey at age 15. It was a search for a method of self defense that would be empowering and...
How to Spar for the Street

How to Spar for the Street: Part 2

In this How to Spar for the Street series of articles we are discussing how to make your sparring relevant to real situations. The...
Stephen Spivey Survival Guide

Self Defense Is Not Rocket Science

Here is a bold statement; self defense is not rocket science. In its most simple form it should be a natural flow of simple...
Donald Miskel

Stillness in Combat

In the end, whether you have to discourage a would be predator or combat an attacker mushin, that calm in the face of opposition,...
Mark Shuey

Mark Shuey Cane Defense: Problem – Solution

Problem: You may not be able to execute intricate martial arts techniques in a fight. Solution: Learn simple moves for defending yourself with a...
Recognize How Danger Escalates

Safety on the Streets: Recognize How Danger Escalates

As a student of the ninja personal protection martial art, based on fighting principles developed for intelligence gatherers in Japan centuries ago, you are...
When Seconds Count

Life and Death: When Seconds Count

Imagine leaving a party having had too much to drink and suddenly finding yourself attacked by three individuals! It’s a blitz attack in the...

Dancing with Darkness: The Reality of Conflict

Let me continue a bit on the discussion of my last post: I had an interesting conversation with a member of my group (Kyusho-jitsu Kenkyukai,...
Donald Miskel

Fifty-Sixth Year Observations: Martial Arts Developed for Self Defense and Combat

Today is October seventeenth, two thousand and thirteen. Today I made sixty six years of age. That means I am no longer young. Actually...

Use Your Eyes to Save Your Assets

Knowing where to look when standing face-to-face with a hostile subject is critical, though it’s rarely addressed in training. This is a glaring omission...
Fight-Psychology and Self Defense

A Practical Guide To Fighting Without Fighting…

We often hear the phrase “fighting without fighting” in movies and books. This conjures up ideas from the mystic to the manic. The fact...
Vince Palumbo Boxer

Boxing Self Defense Training

Boxing is an exciting sport where two superb athletes square off in a boxing ring and battle to the limits of human endurance, with...
Knife Attack CCTV

Knife Attacks Can Be Sudden

Knife attacks can come on suddenly before you have time to realize it! *From a recent CCTV video – An argument on the street starts out...

The Deification of Dangerous Knife Grips

Have you ever used a hammer, a screwdriver and/or pliers? Is this the way you would normally hold them while working on a task?...
Martial Arts are About Survival

Martial Arts Are About Survival

Here’s a shocker for you … martial arts are about survival. Yep, that’s right. The purpose of martial arts is to have the skill...