Relax Kung Fu Practitioners
I practice karate (Ryukyu kempo and Isshin-ryu) and tai chi chuan. Most people think of me as a karate guy. So, I find it...
Breathing is Fundamental
Of all of the natural body functions breathing is probably the most fundamental. It isn’t something that we do consciously. Breathing has more to...
Martial Arts Breathing Training
One of the most important aspects of martial arts training is proper breathing. However, for practitioners of hard styles, effective breathing methods are often...
How Wing Chun Helps the Mind
Wing Chun is an incredible art that when studied has far reaching effects on one's health. Right from the early stages of learning in...
The 7 Keys To Martial Arts Speed
Regardless of your martial arts style or method . . . you cannot apply it unless you can react quickly and respond instantly. Speed...
The Wooden Dummy
The wooden dummy is a training device that is used in many different systems of Chinese martial arts. There are many different designs for...
Developing Speed In the Martial Arts
There are several concepts in the martial arts that are deceptive and often misinterpreted. Things aren't always what they appear to be or what...
The Sobering Facts About Progressive Protection System Footwork
Upon observation the footwork of The Progressive Protection Systems (PPS), as taught by Master Geoff Bennett, seems to have more in common with western...