Reality Training

Articles on about the importance of reality training in the martial arts and being prepared for any self defense situation.

Bratzo Barrena

What to Expect When Training in the Russian Martial Art of Systema?

In his article Bratzo Barrena discusses what to expect when training in the Russian Martial Art of Systema, as most people who attend their...
Jim Wagner Videos

Jim Wagner Geschichte: Training der Deutschen Anti-Terroreinheit GSG9

Jim Wagner, ein Amerikaner, war 1999 und 2000 ein offizieller Ausbilder für Einsatztraining, Spezialoperationen und Schießlehrer für die Deutsche Anti-Terroreinheit Grenzschutzgruppe 9, oder weltweit...
Jim Wagner Videos

Tactical Hand Signals Part 3

Jim Wagner will teach you step-by-step tactical hand signals grouped into categories for ACTION, OBJECTS, NUMBERS, and AIR OPERATIONS. Copyright 2000 Jim Wagner. All rights...
Jim Wagner Articles

Handgun Disarms: The Gas Alone From A Pistol Can Kill You

The general rule for handgun disarms, when it comes to trying to disarm an attacker of a pistol in hand-to-hand combat, is "If you...
Vladimir Vasiliev Russian Martial Arts

3 Types of Fear – 3 Ways to Breathe

We can view our fears on three levels. The first one we can call Personal Fear. It is the type that develops without any...
Jim Wagner Articles

This Guy is Full of Crap! Training Counterterrorist Teams

EXCREMENT, SHIT, SOMETHING OF NO VALUE. That's the meaning of the word "crap" according to "This guy is full of crap!!!" That's exactly...
Jim Wagner Articles

The Conflict Cycle

Any human conflict that you engage in will have a predictable cycle. Whether the conflict involves a heated argument with a hostile subject or...
Jim Wagner Articles

Violence Must Be Practiced

Violence has to be a part of your reality-based self-defense training. If you are only practicing techniques but you are not imagining and simulating...
Jim Wagner: My Self Defense Instructor

Jim Wagner My Self-Defense Instructor: Machete Defense

In this My Self-Defense Instructor video Jim Wagner, of Jim Wagner Reality-Based Personal Protection, discusses machete defense. SUBJECT: Machete defense when unarmed PURPOSE: How to survive...
Sun Tzu

Sun Tzu A 21st-Century Warrior

Ancient Chinese military strategy evolved over thousands of years of conflict. As commanders rose and fell, the heart of their philosophies were saved for...
Vladimir Vasiliev Russian Martial Arts

How Hard Should Your Systema Training Be?

Your Goal The goal of Systema training is to accumulate power and not tension. I believe that with each training session, while doing the same...

Jim Wagner My Self-Defense Instructor: Zigzag Run Away From an Active Shooter

In this My Self-Defense Instructor video Jim Wagner, of Jim Wagner Reality-Based Personal Protection, discusses zigzag run away from an active shooter. SUBJECT: Zigzag Run...
The Jim Wagner Metric Arm Striking and Blocking System

The Jim Wagner Metric Arm Striking and Blocking System

Walk into any traditional-based martial arts school and ask the instructor, “I want to learn how to defend myself. How long will it take?”...
Knight in Shining Armor

Traditional Martial Arts and Combatives

"A knight in shining armor is a man who has never had his metal truly tested" ~ Unknown In a forthcoming DVD produced in conjunction...
Jim Wagner: My Self Defense Instructor

Jim Wagner My Self-Defense Instructor: Playground Booby Traps

In this My Self-Defense Instructor video Jim Wagner, of Jim Wagner Reality-Based Personal Protection, discusses play ground booby traps. SUBJECT: Playground Booby Traps PURPOSE: To teach...
Tactical Firearm Training For Civilians

Tactical Firearm Training For Civilians

Photo 1: Morne Swanepoel training with a Assault rifle under the watchful eye of USA Swat and Special forces expert, Sgt. Jim Wagner. Photo 2: Tactical...