Training Articles

Training Articles are articles about training in the martial arts found on

Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence: Battered But Not Beaten

Mixing Jujitsu with your Tae Kwon Do may save your life! For years Rancella Ferguson ignored her husband’s abusive ways, not seeing it as the...
Mark Shuey

Mark Shuey Cane Defense: Problem – Solution

Problem: You may not be able to execute intricate martial arts techniques in a fight. Solution: Learn simple moves for defending yourself with a...
Chris Thomas Block is a Strike

Blocks in Martial Arts are Strikes

I recently was explaining our concepts to a man who had been training at a local martial arts school. It was almost as if...

Becoming the Total Warrior

We all search for personal refinement and fulfillment, but in the martial arts we work tirelessly to help empower others to become the total...
The Sparring Dilemma

The Sparring Dilemma

While sparring is absolutely essential for any martial artist, the real issue is how to develop a safe, effective approach. In my last article, Earning...
Tai Chi Is Just Ordinary Boxing

Relax Kung Fu Practitioners

I practice karate (Ryukyu kempo and Isshin-ryu) and tai chi chuan. Most people think of me as a karate guy. So, I find it...
Gichin Funakoshi

Pressure Points in Shotokan Karate

Pressure Points in Shotokan Karate from Shotokan Karate Magazine, July, 2004 - There is a well known photo of Gichin Funakoshi in his 80’s performing...

The Jim Wagner Knife Disarm Rule for Police & Military

The Jim Wagner Knife Disarm Rule for police and military has four moves to effectively disarm any extreme close range knife attack. They are: 1....
Jim Wagner Articles

Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act – The O.O.D.A. Process

When confronted by an aggressive person, whether it's training in a self-defense school or an actual conflict situation, your mind always follows a predictable...
George Dillman

Redundancy: The Secret to Idiot-Proofing Your Martial Art

The secret to idiot proofing your martial art lies in learning Pressure Point Techniques. Among the most important elements of the traditional martial arts are...
Robert Margolin Tonfa

The Tonfa Enters the 21st Century with the Defensive Leverage Device

Ever since man first picked up a rock for self-defense he has been on a never-ending quest to improve the weapons at his disposal....
Dog Brothers Full Contact Kali

Dog Brothers Kali: Full Contact

Full contact kali is the name of their game and they play it for real.  Stitches, cuts and a body full of welts is...
Donald Miskel

Breathing is Fundamental

Of all of the natural body functions breathing is probably the most fundamental. It isn’t something that we do consciously. Breathing has more to...
Iain Abernethy

Kata: Why Bother

There are many differing views on the value of kata. Kata is regarded by some to be the very 'soul' of the martial arts....
Jim Wagner: My Self Defense Instructor

Jim Wagner My Self-Defense Instructor: Hotel Security While Traveling

In this My Self-Defense Instructor video Jim Wagner, of Jim Wagner Reality-Based Personal Protection, discusses hotel security while traveling. SUBJECT: Hotel security for business and vacation PURPOSE:...
Cross-Training and Mixed Martial Arts

Cross-Training Isn’t A New Concept

Cross-training isn't a new concept. The Shaolin and the Samurai both cross-trained ... and they weren't the only ones, just the best known. Cross-training...