Training Articles

Training Articles are articles about training in the martial arts found on

Boxing in Cholon

Muay Thai Boxing the Vietnamese in 2011

In 2007 I did a magazine story entitled, "Boxing the Vietnamese" about me training with a boxing team in Cholon, the China Town of...
Jim Wagner Fighting Tips

The Five Levels of Force

There is a proverb that declares, “You do as you are trained.” If you are trained to always defend yourself with feet and fist...
Wall of Silence: Vital Points in Kata

The Wall of Silence: Vital Points in Kata

Prior to WW II there were several publications which discussed vital points and how they could be used to knock out or kill a...
Russell Stutely Hidden Secrets

Martial Arts The Hidden Secrets – What is Smart Training? #6

To me, it is the best possible utilization of your training time. How many people in a weights gym do you see, standing around...
Makiwara Training

Makiwara Training

One of the major images in the general public’s perception of Karate is that of Karate practitioners performing feats of breaking wood, tiles etc....
Neihanchi Kata

Neihanchi Kata: A Half-Century Musing On The Kata Of Okinawa

In this essay I will share my observations of the Neihanchi kata of the Isshin Kempo and Isshinryu systems. I discuss Kiko and its...
Neutralizing The Committed Edged Weapons Attack

Neutralizing The Committed Edged Weapons Attack

This interactive training session is written and designed for operators who are in the face of life threatening situations on a daily basis or...
Mike Stidham Speaks Out

The ABC’s of Mixed Martial Arts Training

Today, Anderson Silva is arguably the greatest MMA fighter in the world. Georges St Pierre is often compared to him. Watching these fighters is...
High Gear Suits

Look for Genuine HIGH GEAR Suits

Last night we received this letter from Tony Blauer about the recent rash of HIGH GEAR knock offs. Tony conceived HIGH GEAR to not...
Stephan Kesting Grapplearts

Basic Weightlifting For Martial Arts

In the not-so-distant past weightlifting was discouraged for martial artists. "It will make you slow", "it will make you muscle-bound", and "all you need...
Jim Wagner Videos

Tactical Hand Signals Part 2

Sergeant Jim Wagner will teach you step-by-step tactical hand signals grouped into categories for ACTION, OBJECTS, NUMBERS, and AIR OPERATIONS. Copyright 2000 Jim Wagner....
21-Foot Rule

Edged Weapon Defense: Is or Was the 21-Foot Rule Valid? Part 2 Editors Note: For the record, the 21-Foot Rule, when accurately stated, says that in the time it takes the average officer to recognize...
Survival Attitude

Life In A Day – A Survival Attitude

No matter how much training you have, without a survival attitude, you may not survive an attack. She was a hard working woman, and a...
Martial Arts Training For Military Personnel

The Importance of Martial Arts Training and Competition

Man has been a part of fighting and battles since the beginning of man. His movements are natural- atavistic reactions similar to those of...
Jim Wagner Videos

Women’s Survival Course Testimonial For Jim Wagner – German Female Police Officer

“Anne,” a German female police officer with the Bundespolizei, attended Jim Wagner’s Reality-Based Personal Protection Women’s Survival course in November 2010 and gives her...
Thomas Kurz Stretching

3 Stretch Yourself: Your Potential to Do a Front Split

Stretch Yourself: Testing Your Potential to Do a Front Split This is the third installment of my column on training that appeared in May 1999...