Training Articles

Training Articles are articles about training in the martial arts found on

Jim Wagner Articles

Violence Must Be Practiced

Violence has to be a part of your reality-based self-defense training. If you are only practicing techniques but you are not imagining and simulating...
Best Practices by Amaury Murgado

Best Practices: Closing the Reactionary Gap

One of the most important things you can learn about dealing face to face with suspects is the concept of relative positioning. Relative positioning...
Knife and Handcuffs

Three Dimensional Knife Defense

After the attacks of 9/11, I was running self-defense classes out of my martial arts academy outside of Chicago. A couple higher ups from...
Jim Wagner Tac Tips

Escaping a Fort Hood Style Massacre

In his article, Escaping a Fort Hood Style Massacre, Jim Wagner explains that we are all targets to Al Qaeda or those who wish to...

Weight Gain Season On The Horizon

It's here, just look at the seasonal shelves in your favorite store. Retailers refer to this time as the holiday season, but I like...
Jim Wagner Articles

Project Prayer Flag and POW Network

When I arrived in California from teaching my Reality-Based Personal Protection courses in Germany last week I had a letter waiting for me at...
Bob Chaney Teaching Martial Arts

Bob Chaney Applies the Science of Physics to Fighting

Tae Kwon Do Grand Master Bob Chaney may be one of the best-schooled individuals in the martial arts today.  His over all knowledge of...
Russell Stutely Hidden Secrets

Martial Arts The Hidden Secrets – Order of Things #2

Rather than the usual layout of chapters etc within a book. I have set out to introduce you to the “secrets” of Karate in...
Samurai Sword Shop

Japanese Samurai Swords – A Brief History Part 1

The first proofs of the existence of Japanese Samurai swords in Japan date from 240 BC, during the Yayoi period, when the queen, Himeko,...
Jim Wagner Articles

Use the Environment as a Weapon

When I was a corrections officer working in the Costa Mesa Police Men's Jail in 1990 a prisoner attacked me and ran me into...
Jim Wagner Fighting Tips

Head Games: Overcome Combat Stress

Anxiety is an emotion that if conquered, can teach you survive in a crisis situation. Anxiety can also be a useful tool to the...
Combat Triage

Combat Triage: General Conditioning: Focused Breathing

Last weekend I watched a great little movie called: From Mexico With Love. I was happy because it had a very happy ending, but...
Donald Miskel

Self Defense vs. Personal Security

For the most part I don’t write on demand and I don’t take requests. I’m a martial art instructor not your local DJ. That...
Samurai Sword Shop

Samurai Weapons

Throughout the history of the Samurai, Samurai weapons included different size swords, daggers, spears and more necessary for different types of kills. The age of...
Frecuancia Marcial

si Quieres Vencer, Aprende A Padecer

“si Quieres Vencer, Aprende A Padecer” Refrán Mexicano Noviembre de 1975. Esa noche la clase apenas iniciaba. Al llegar a las 400 repeticiones de un...
Knight in Shining Armor

Traditional Martial Arts and Combatives

"A knight in shining armor is a man who has never had his metal truly tested" ~ Unknown In a forthcoming DVD produced in conjunction...