The Neglected Aspect of Executive Protection
What does a multi-billionaire, an action star, a fashion designer, and the king of Sweden all have in common? They all got a pie...
Combat Triage: General Conditioning: Neck Alignment
The upper triangle of the body consists of the base of the neck, the shoulders and the upper-mid back. If this area is compromised...
6 Points For Firearm Defense
Events of the last several years have finally sent the “wake-up call” to the entire world. The United States begrudgingly joins with many countries...
6 Stretch Yourself: High Kicks with No Warm Up – Side Kicks
High Kicks with No Warm-Up: The Right Body Alignment for Side Kicks
Stretch Yourself: High Kicks with no Warm up, The Right Body Alignment for Side...
Dog Brothers Kali: Full Contact
Full contact kali is the name of their game and they play it for real. Stitches, cuts and a body full of welts is...
The Basics of Bunkai: Part 5
In this series of articles we've been looking at the basics of "bunkai" (kata application). The purpose of these articles is to introduce the...
10 Things To Be A Mixed Martial Arts Fighter Part 6: Eat Like A...
10 Things You Need to Know to be a Mixed Martial Arts Fighter Part 6
Everyone knows that the Mixed Martial Arts Craze is taking...
Close Quarter Baton Training with Police Safety Batons
We want to introduce the ActionFlex police safety batons that will improve law and security enforcement officer training.
Security and law enforcement personnel have long had...
Redundancy: The Secret to Idiot-Proofing Your Martial Art
The secret to idiot proofing your martial art lies in learning Pressure Point Techniques.
Among the most important elements of the traditional martial arts are...
Combat Triage: General Conditioning: Hips, Shoulders, Legs and Neck
All fighters like economy of movement. Make something complicated and there goes your reaction time. It's the same thing with foundational training. As a...
Martial Arts The Hidden Secrets: Pressure Points Questions #11
Pressure Points are only the size of a pen nib ~ How can you hit them for real?
The point itself is only that size,...
Israeli Martial Arts and Deadly Mistakes in Gun Disarming
Gun disarming is one of the most important skills you want to obtain when training in a martial art that claims to be about...
Why A Shooters Stance Or Position Is Critical For Self Defense
For over 47 years I have been a student of firearms training. I started shooting and hunting when I was 8 years old. I...
The Basics of Bunkai – Part 4
Welcome to the fourth part of the basics of bunkai series. "Bunkai" refers to the analysis and the practical application of the techniques of...
Closing the Gap in Fighting
The most important space for any fighter is the distance that separates them from their opponent. Closing that gap is the key to executing...
5 Stretch Yourself: Right Stretches for High Kicks
Stretch Yourself: Right Stretches for High Kicks with No Warm-Up
This is the fourth installment of my column on training that appeared in May 1999...