Training Articles

Training Articles are articles about training in the martial arts found on

Jim Wagner: My Self Defense Instructor

Jim Wagner My Self-Defense Instructor: Playing Dead During a Shooting

In this My Self-Defense Instructor video, Jim Wagner, of Jim Wagner Reality-Based Personal Protection, discusses playing dead during a shooting. Playing dead during a mass...
Jim Wagner Articles

Rapid Dominance is Always Moving Forward!

The next time you are sparring with the protection on or doing some realistic scenarios you must overwhelm your training partner and use the...
Willie Lim Classical Dimension

Does Tae Kwon Do Have Locking and Trapping

Have you heard that someone is taking Aikido or Jujitsu to learn locks and traps as there is not much locking and trapping in...
Scott Sonnon

6 Strategies to Win in Sambo

For the past 20 years, I've developed what I call the "Six Strategies in Jacket Wrestling." This is a theory that I compiled over...

How Wing Chun Helps the Mind

Wing Chun is an incredible art that when studied has far reaching effects on one's health. Right from the early stages of learning in...

Bunkai: The Meaning Behind Kata

Okay! Bunkai (分解), literally meaning “analysis” or “disassembly,” is a term used in Japanese martial arts referring to process of analyzing kata and extracting...

Are Kata Bi-Lateral?

Lately I have been involved in some discussion on why kata (forms) do not appear to be bi-lateral. If you stop and think for...
Best Practices by Amaury Murgado

Best Practices: Stress Management

Stress is an officer’s number one nemesis. During a call, it creates automatic psychological and physiological responses that reduce your effectiveness. Too much stress...
Teaching Knife Defense

An Instructors Guide to Teaching Knife Defense to Civilians Part Two

Training Inasmuch as anyone with absolutely no experience can be deadly with a knife; training how to use one offensively is the best way to...
Flipping Tires

On Kettlebells and Tire Flips: Or When Good Things Go Fad

A good idea can be turned into a fad by mindless followers. Mindful people use whatever tools they come across to their best advantage...
Combative Knife Fighting Truths

Combative Knife Fighting Truths

There are 12 brutal truths when it comes to combative knife fighting. Knife fighting is a serious topic and should never be taken lightly!...
Practicing Kata

Katas: Closing the Skill Gap

Although they are often derided by the uninitiated for their perceived lack of practicality, the katas are the key to ensuring karate remains a...

Taijiquan: The Dao of Movement and Martial Arts

Taijiquan can be thought of as a martial art, a health exercise, a practice in healing sports injuries, and other things as well. But...
Dana Abbott

Shihan Abbott’s Unique Training Methods

USADOJO.COM spent time with Shihan Dana Abbott discussing his unique training methods in the sword arts. We asked him about his training and the...
Martial Arts Internatioinal

The Sobering Facts About Progressive Protection System Footwork

Upon observation the footwork of The Progressive Protection Systems (PPS), as taught by Master Geoff Bennett, seems to have more in common with western...
Frank Borelli and Borelli Consulting

Active Shooter Response Training: A Modern Police Necessity

With the advent of Active Shooter Response Training that has developed in response to incidents like the Columbine High School shootings, the law enforcement...