Home Training Articles Martial Mentality and Spirit

Martial Mentality and Spirit

Articles on USAdojo.com about Martial Mentality and Spirit.

Frecuancia Marcial

“el Ejemplo Es Mejor Que Las Ordenes”

“el Ejemplo Es Mejor Que Las Ordenes” Refrán Mexicano Aquella tarde estábamos reunidos para festejar a una maestra. El ambiente era agradable mientras platicaba con Rosa, alumna...
Frecuancia Marcial

“mirar Y No Ver, A Muchos Suele Suceder”

“mirar Y No Ver, A Muchos Suele Suceder” Refrán Mexicano 1. Visite a una amiga un 24 de Diciembre. Después de comer le pregunte: “Algunas personas...
Frecuancia Marcial

si Quieres Vencer, Aprende A Padecer

“si Quieres Vencer, Aprende A Padecer” Refrán Mexicano Noviembre de 1975. Esa noche la clase apenas iniciaba. Al llegar a las 400 repeticiones de un...
Frecuancia Marcial

juego De Manos Es De Villanos

“juego De Manos Es De Villanos” Refrán Mexicano Era día de examen en el Gimnasio de la Federación de Estudiantes de Guadalajara. Antes de iniciarlo me...
Fear of the Dentist

Conquering Your Fear of the Dentist with Martial Arts

I’ve been in the martial arts for almost 40 years; got lots of trophies and ribbons, hold a high rank in several styles, and...
Stephen Spivey Survival Guide

Knowing the Freeze: The Bodies Adrenal State

As a predator attacks, your body will go into an adrenal state. You are flooded with adrenaline (epinephrine), noradrenalin and cortisol. The good news...
Is Your Coach Destroying Your Confidence?

Is Your Coach Destroying Your Confidence?

“Confidence is an unconditional state in which you simply possess an unwavering state of mind that needs no reference point. There is no room...
Brett Denison

Fuydoshin and Zanshin

After reviewing an article I had previously written ("What Does a Black Belt Mean?"), one of my seniors in the SMAA that I highly...
Mike Stidham Speaks Out

Humility is Key to a Fighter’s Success

Every budding fighter goes through what I call the 10-fight itch. Some experience it at 3 fights, others at 15, depending on how often...
Survival Attitude

Life In A Day – A Survival Attitude

No matter how much training you have, without a survival attitude, you may not survive an attack. She was a hard working woman, and a...
Crazy Monkey Defense

Take ACTion!

When you train in Mixed Martial Arts you will often be faced with roadblocks. For most of us the challenges sometimes seem insurmountable and...
Etiquette: Jet Li Baoquan

Etiquette Among Martial Artists in China

CHINA began its history several thousand years ago, and has since been a state of ceremonies in the world. As early as in the...
The Warrior Mindset

The Warrior Mindset

When first taking on this article, I thought I had a good grasp on the subject matter, after all, I am a warrior, right?...
The Champion Mind

The Champion Mind

Several years ago I was discussing the sports psychology and Jiu-jitsu with a friend. We were debating what makes grapplers like Rickson Gracie truly...
Hide Fighter in Tokyo

Art of Fighting: A Lesson in Perseverance

A Lesson in Perseverance, or Proof that Talent Means Nothing Robert M. Clyne, host of “The Art of Fighting,” made this incredible video about...