Tom Kohl

Tom Kohl writes the Police Officers Survival Guide on

Police Officer Survival Guide

Police Officer Survival Guide – Ten Deadly on the Job Errors

There is little truly new on the subject of officer survival tactics. It is the simple, unglamorous basics that will keep an officer alive. Sadly,...
Police Officer Survival Guide

Police Officer Survival Guide – To Be Armed Off Duty

A dilemma for officers is whether to be armed off duty or not. Statistics on assaults against off-duty officers are given in a publication released...
Police Officer Survival Guide

Police Officer Survival Guide – The California Newhall Incident

On April 5, 1970, the officer survival movement was born out of one of the darkest days in law enforcement's history. In less than...
Police Officer Survival Guide

Police Officers Survival Guide – Staying Alive on the Job

Tom Kohl's Police Officers Survival Guide was written to help educate police officers on staying alive on the job as a police officer. Tom Kohl...
Police Officer Survival Guide

Police Officer Survival Guide – Schiopathic, Psychopathic Behaviors and Your Survival

Any individual can become violent and the vast majority of society would commit a homicide under the right circumstances. Consequently, it cannot be assumed...
Police Officer Survival Guide

Police Officer Survival Guide – Complacency Can Kill You

The average police officer may work his entire career without having to discharge his weapon in the line of duty. This leads the officers...