Law • Security • Military

Articles on with information about training for Law Enforcement, Security and the Military.

21-Foot Rule

Edged Weapon Defense: Is or Was the 21-Foot Rule Valid? Part 2 Editors Note: For the record, the 21-Foot Rule, when accurately stated, says that in the time it takes the average officer to recognize...
The Winning Edge

The Winning Edge: MMA Not Biggest Threat To Officer Safety

Takedowns, holds, and poundings, oh my! Don't pay attention to the man behind the curtain, Dorothy; you're not in Kansas anymore. The man behind the...
Robert Margolin Tonfa

The Tonfa Enters the 21st Century with the Defensive Leverage Device

Ever since man first picked up a rock for self-defense he has been on a never-ending quest to improve the weapons at his disposal....
Stripes and Bars by Amaury Murgado

Stripes and Bars: Lead, Don’t Blame

WHEN SOMETHING GOES WRONG at an agency, administrators go into self-preservation mode. This, in turn, has a cascading effect all the way down to...