Law • Security • Military

Articles on with information about training for Law Enforcement, Security and the Military.

Police Officer Survival Guide

Police Officer Survival Guide – The California Newhall Incident

On April 5, 1970, the officer survival movement was born out of one of the darkest days in law enforcement's history. In less than...
The Anatomy Of Fear and How It Relates To Survival Skills Training

The Anatomy Of Fear and How It Relates To Survival Skills Training

An officer assigned to jail duty conducts a prisoner bed check when he observes that a male who was lodged in the drunk tank...
The Winning Edge

The Winning Edge: MMA Not Biggest Threat To Officer Safety

Takedowns, holds, and poundings, oh my! Don't pay attention to the man behind the curtain, Dorothy; you're not in Kansas anymore. The man behind the...
Frank Borelli and Borelli Consulting

Is Your Firearms Training Complete

Do you remember your police academy firearms training? During the summer of 1986, at the local county police academy, a basic recruit class enjoyed...
Intelligence and Advance Work

Intelligence and Advance Work

Protecting your client goes way beyond the actual shielding. This article will explain the importance of advance work, and how you can benefit using...
Gary Dill & The Military Knife

Jeet Kune Do & The Military Knife

The knife has been a vital part of a warrior's personal arsenal for thousands of years. It is nearly as old as mankind. Even with...
Best Practices by Amaury Murgado

Best Practices: Why the OODA Loop is Still Relevant

The OODA loop was created by Air Force colonel John Boyd in the late 1950s. He was a Korean War fighter pilot and a...
Best Practices by Amaury Murgado

Best Practices: Wargaming As Training

There is a school of thought that suggests good training is proportionate to the amount of money you spend; the more you spend the...
Police Officer Survival Guide

Police Officer Survival Guide – Ten Deadly on the Job Errors

There is little truly new on the subject of officer survival tactics. It is the simple, unglamorous basics that will keep an officer alive. Sadly,...
Combating Conditioned Hesitation

Combating Conditioned Hesitation

To survive confrontations in the kill zone, officers must overcome second-guessing and act quickly and decisively. This article is about combating conditioned hesitation. There are...
Best Practices by Amaury Murgado

Best Practices: Maximize Initial Response

This Best Practices article discusses the importance of investing in your first 10 minutes in order to maximize initial response. Borrowing a line from the...
Best Practices by Amaury Murgado

Best Practices: Responding vs Reacting

At face value, there doesn't seem to be much difference between the words responding and reacting. However, if you take a moment to look...
Best Practices by Amaury Murgado

Best Practices: Maintain A Healthy Mind

It's not difficult to find information and inspiration about staying in shape and maintaining a healthy body. However, without maintaining a healthy mind, you...
Frank Borelli and Borelli Consulting

Police Department Knife Regulations and Policy

In today's litigious society no law enforcement agency can afford to overlook the need for administrative and training regulations for any weapon, or potential...
Best Practices by Amaury Murgado

Best Practices: Stress Management

Stress is an officer’s number one nemesis. During a call, it creates automatic psychological and physiological responses that reduce your effectiveness. Too much stress...
Best Practices by Amaury Murgado

Best Practices: Leading By Example

Respect comes from leading by example. Anything I ever needed to know about leadership I learned serving in the U.S. Army prior to becoming a...