Law • Security • Military

Articles on with information about training for Law Enforcement, Security and the Military.

Be Physically and Mentally Prepared

Officer Stacy Lim from the Los Angeles Police Department pulled into her driveway after an enjoyable evening of softball practice. When Lim got out...
The Winning Edge

The Winning Edge: One Stance, Three Uses

If you sit around chatting with instructors who teach in law enforcement, you will find a great deal of diversity on any training topic...

Scenario Training and Stress in the Training Environment

The modern training arena is becoming more focused on efficiency of skill acquisition. This is primarily due to the increase in the complexity and...
Hank Hayes of No Lie Blades

What Usable Backup Knife Should I Use For On and Off Duty Carry?

As a senior knife instructor for both Mil and L/E as well as a combatives practitioner for over 37 years I think this idea...
Neutralizing The Committed Edged Weapons Attack

Neutralizing The Committed Edged Weapons Attack

This interactive training session is written and designed for operators who are in the face of life threatening situations on a daily basis or...
Loren Christensen

Control Fear with Knowledge

“I was parked on a side street writing a report when dispatch gave the neighboring car a call in my district. ‘See the bartender...
Frank Borelli and Borelli Consulting

Active Shooter Response Training: A Modern Police Necessity

With the advent of Active Shooter Response Training that has developed in response to incidents like the Columbine High School shootings, the law enforcement...
Police Officer Survival Guide

Police Officer Survival Guide – The California Newhall Incident

On April 5, 1970, the officer survival movement was born out of one of the darkest days in law enforcement's history. In less than...
Frank Borelli and Borelli Consulting

Police Department Knife Regulations and Policy

In today's litigious society no law enforcement agency can afford to overlook the need for administrative and training regulations for any weapon, or potential...

BolaWrap: Early Restraint For Non-Compliant Subjects

The #BolaWrap was specifically designed for mentally ill, drug induced, or non-complaint subjects, as a way to restrain them with using pain, before the...
Frank Borelli and Borelli Consulting

The Value of Light

In the world of police work there are many tools used to increase the officer's effectiveness and to allow him to operate in environments...
Confidence and Competence

Confidence and Competence

Confidence and Competence, this is one of my favorite topics of conversation. Why, because most people would rather talk a good game than actually...
Police Officer Survival Guide

Police Officer Survival Guide – Complacency Can Kill You

The average police officer may work his entire career without having to discharge his weapon in the line of duty. This leads the officers...
Police Officer Survival Guide

Police Officer Survival Guide – Where Crooks Get Guns

A year long study was made by the Dallas Police Department and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms in which recovered guns that...

Sudden In Custody Death Syndrome (SICDS)

Introduction What is Sudden In Custody Death Syndrome (SICDS), or Positional Asphyxia, and why is being knowledgeable about it important to my department and its...
Hank Hayes of No Lie Blades

Your Best Defense is a Strong Offense

In this article, Hank Hayes of No Lie Blades explains that in this day an age your best defense is a strong offense. When you...