Kyusho and Chi

Articles on about Kyusho Jitsu which focuses on pressure point targeting and about Chi energy.


Becoming the Total Warrior

We all search for personal refinement and fulfillment, but in the martial arts we work tirelessly to help empower others to become the total...
Russell Stutely

Learning Balance Points Helps With Learning Pressure Points

This is a bit like one of those "trust me" times. There are certain parts of the martial arts that we REALLY need to...
Qi Whiz

Qi Whiz!

Controversies come and go in the martial arts community, but one topic that can always be relied upon to start a loud argument is...
Russell Stutely

Learning Power Generation Helps With Learning Pressure Points

The next area that you need to understand BEFORE you even start learning Pressure Points is Power Generation or as we call it Waveforms. I...
Russell Stutely

Making your Martial Arts Work

You have to earn the right to land your technique! How do we earn that right? How do we put ourselves in a position...
Russell Stutely Hidden Secrets

Martial Arts The Hidden Secrets – Making It Work #1

You have to earn the right to land your technique! How do we earn that right? How do we put ourselves in a position...
Russell Stutely

Meat & Potatoes of Pressure Points

Its time to move on to the "meat and potatoes" of how to use and make Pressure Points work for you! Let's assume that you...
Chris Thomas

Anyone Can Beat Anyone: There Is No Such Thing As Invulnerability

I know that invulnerability is often what we seek when we are beginning our training. We watched many a martial arts demo in which...
Russell Stutely Hidden Secrets

Martial Arts The Hidden Secrets – Palm Down Technique #8

The Palm Down technique has been used many times to defend oneself when the fight did not seem a good idea. This is a...
Russell Stutely

Own a Technique

This is a difficult one! How many repetitions are required to own a technique? 100? 1000? 10,000? Multiply that by the amount of techniques available and...
Russell Stutely

Regular Training Routine

I thought I would give you a heads up as to what we are currently doing in our "Regular Training Routine" in our "normal"...
Russell Stutely Hidden Secrets

Martial Arts The Hidden Secrets – Train Hard and Smart #5

Over the last 10 or so years I have been very fortunate to meet some of the Worlds most gifted and talented Martial Artists....
Russell Stutely Hidden Secrets

Martial Arts The Hidden Secrets – Self Defense Knowledge #7

This chapter discusses self defense knowledge that all martial artists should possess. Basic Do's and Dont's I could list a multitude of do's and don'ts regarding...
Russell Stutely Hidden Secrets

Martial Arts The Hidden Secrets – It Might Look the Same #4

I want you to think about the following for a while before you take any action. Have a good long think and try to...
Russell Stutely

How to Learn Pressure Points Correctly?

I want to share some really important information with you. People often ask me the best way to learn how to use Pressure Points, so,...
Russell Stutely Hidden Secrets

Martial Arts The Hidden Secrets: Pressure Points Questions #11

Pressure Points are only the size of a pen nib ~ How can you hit them for real? The point itself is only that size,...