Kata and Bunkai

Articles on USAdojo.com about kata training and the bunkai that makes kata necessary in the martial arts.

Michael Sullenger

The Importance of Kata

Over the past several years I've written articles discussing various sides of martial arts training.  In my article entitled, “Commercialism vs. Traditionalism” I talked...
The Pinan / Heian Series

The Pinan / Heian Kata Series as a Fighting System: Part 3

Welcome to part three of this series of articles. In the first part of this series we looked at the background of the Pinan...
Practicing Kata

Katas: Closing the Skill Gap

Although they are often derided by the uninitiated for their perceived lack of practicality, the katas are the key to ensuring karate remains a...

Ju No Kata

So-called "Forms of Gentleness," as the ju no kata is referred to, is a grossly misinterpreted standard of Kodokan. As performed in modern-day judo,...
Willie Lim Classical Dimension

Willie Lim Kata Training is Outside the System

When I was training in TKD I was young and eager, an like so many others, interested only in the free sparring. In my...

The Other Way of Sanchin Kata

Many karate systems teach the Sanchin kata as an external training method to strength-condition practitioners with a series of breath-controlled tensions. This mainstream understanding...
Iain Abernethy

Kata: Why Bother

There are many differing views on the value of kata. Kata is regarded by some to be the very 'soul' of the martial arts....
The Music of Judo

The Martial Artist a Lethal Musician

One cannot learn how to make music without understanding how it functions much like one cannot practice martial arts without understanding martial arts forms...
Discovering Bunkai in Kata

Discovering Bunkai in Kata

By Bill Burgar ~ Today kata are practiced for a variety of reasons. Some people use them as good exercise, some to practice technique,...

Chuck Merriman on Kata and the Meaning of Bunkai

"The kata are the essence of karate; without them karate would be the mere learning of various fighting and self-defense techniques, expressing nothing and...
Iain Abernethy

The Four Stages of Kata Practice

Practically all karateka practice kata; however, most only practice the initial stage and therefore they do not develop a rounded and more complete understanding...
Iain Abernethy

The Basics of Bunkai – Part 3

In this series of articles we are exploring the basics of bunkai or kata application. The aim of these articles is to open up...

Kata and Pressure Points

By George Dillman ~ Kata can be compared to a song. The meaning of the song is stated in the lyrics and expressed in...
Hohan Soken

Mike Hancock on Kata Bunkai

For centuries the martial arts have been cloaked in mystery and folk lore.  The deadly techniques used by master practitioners of karate were frequently...
Jou Tsung Hwa

Creativity, Culture, Power Plays and the Dao Of Movement

There are many fields of creativity in the realm of physical movement, but how serious are people in even attempting to reach the very...

KATA – An Important Part of Martial Arts

Kata is a form of unique obligatory exercises involving a series of hand and foot techniques, of punches and kicks, connected by certain movements,...