Training Center

The Training Center offers articles, tips and more about martial arts training, including traditional, sport and reality martial arts.

Shime Waza Choke

Shime Waza – The Techniques of Constriction

Basic Concepts The art of karate is a brutally effective method of self-defense characterized by grabbing, squeezing, pressing, twisting, bending, leveraging, breaking, and chokes and...
Survival Attitude

Life In A Day – A Survival Attitude

No matter how much training you have, without a survival attitude, you may not survive an attack. She was a hard working woman, and a...
Combat Triage

Combat Triage: General Conditioning: Hips, Shoulders, Neck, Quads

3 Mixed Stretches for MMA Sometimes it just feels great to lay on the floor and stretch. Particularly if your body is very tight from...

A Karate Chop Offers Proof of the Power of Physics

A karate chop, or shuto strike, is one of the few things in life that offers visceral proof of the power of physics. If you are untrained in the martial arts and you karate chop a brick, you may break a finger or worse. But if you karate chop that brick with the proper force, momentum, and positioning, you’ll break the brick instead. “Amazingly, there are no tricks involved,” says Michael Feld, a physicist at MIT. “What you have here is one of the most efficient human movements ever conceived.”
Get Real with Dan Meadows

Know Your Weapons Know Yourself

Following my military career, I served for many years as a law enforcement professional in the southeast part of the United States.  I started...
Ed Sumner Sensei and Teruo Chinen Sensei

Training With Teruo Chinen Sensei

Ed Sumner Sensei's Training With Teruo Chinen Sensei: The first time I met Teruo Chinen Sensei was at the annual college tournament, held that year at Washington...
Isshin-Ryu and Pressure Point

Isshin-ryu and Pressure Point Fighting

When traditional karate practitioners are introduced to pressure point fighting and shown how it unlocks the secrets of kata and other aspects of classical...
Donald Miskel

A Scientific Break Down of the Strike

Since this is a martial arts article most of you have correctly surmised that this essay isn't about walk outs by disgruntled employees, picket...
Bob Chaney and Fighters

Bob Chaney Muay Thai and Tae Kwon Do Creates Fighters

Although all martial arts employ a variety of kicking techniques, undoubtedly the most widely recognized kicking styles are that of Thailand’s, “ Muay Thai”...
Mike Stidham Speaks Out

The ABC’s of Mixed Martial Arts Training

Today, Anderson Silva is arguably the greatest MMA fighter in the world. Georges St Pierre is often compared to him. Watching these fighters is...
Combat Triage

Combat Triage: General Conditioning: Building Up Your Core

One of the things that I've noticed in working with my up and coming fighters is that although many of them are strong; they...
Lee Aldridge

Defense Theory: Street Effective Practice

One of the major factors that distinguish "realistic" fighting systems from more traditional styles, is in the close simulation of a "live" combat situation...

How To Throw A Knock Out Punch

It’s a relatively well known fact that to throw a knock out punch you should put your body into it. This might sound simple...
Kenwa Mabuni

Kata Training: Practice Kata Correctly

This translation originally appeared in Vol. 29, No. 1 of the Hiroshima University of Economics Journal of Humanities, Social and Natural Sciences. Translator's Introduction Over the...
Best Practices by Amaury Murgado

Best Practices: Maintain A Healthy Mind

It's not difficult to find information and inspiration about staying in shape and maintaining a healthy body. However, without maintaining a healthy mind, you...
Michael Sullenger

The Importance of Kata

Over the past several years I've written articles discussing various sides of martial arts training.  In my article entitled, “Commercialism vs. Traditionalism” I talked...