Training Center

The Training Center offers articles, tips and more about martial arts training, including traditional, sport and reality martial arts.

Mike Stidham Speaks Out

Humility is Key to a Fighter’s Success

Every budding fighter goes through what I call the 10-fight itch. Some experience it at 3 fights, others at 15, depending on how often...
O Goshi, for Sport or Street

O Goshi, for Sport or Street

A basic and popular Judo throw is O-Goshi, the well-known hip throw. It is an ideal throw for shorter people to employ against taller...
Jim Wagner Articles

Accidentally Killing Your Opponent

Do you carry a pair of handcuffs with you? Most martial artists don't. How then are you going to restrain a suspected criminal, whether...
Iain Abernethy

Tegumi – Karate’s Forgotten Range

It is believed that the native wrestling art of Tegumi, along with the Kempo systems brought to Okinawa by the Chinese, were forerunners of...
Makiwara Training

Makiwara Training

One of the major images in the general public’s perception of Karate is that of Karate practitioners performing feats of breaking wood, tiles etc....
Stealth .45 ACP

Stealth .45 ACP Compensators

I don't like compensators. To my traditionalist's eye, they are funny-looking contraptions better suited to imaginary guns in Star Wars movies. Real men all...
Iain Abernethy

The Basics of Bunkai – Part 1

Kata (formal forms) were regarded as the cornerstone of martial arts training by the past masters. However, many modern karate practitioners question the value...
Iain Abernethy

Kata Naihanchi – Karate’s Most Deadly Kata?

The kata Naihanchi (Tekki) is practiced within the majority of karate styles. The word 'Naihanchi' is said to mean 'sideways fighting' due to the kata's...
Close Quarter Baton Training Programs

Close Quarter Baton Training with Police Safety Batons

We want to introduce the ActionFlex police safety batons that will improve law and security enforcement officer training. Security and law enforcement personnel have long had...
Grip on a 6½” mumyou-ryu shuriken

Shuriken Throwing: Forensics

One of the best-known weapons in the martial arts is the shuriken. Historical accounts of shuriken throwing can be found in Japanese martial arts history....

The Jim Wagner Knife Disarm Rule for Police & Military

The Jim Wagner Knife Disarm Rule for police and military has four moves to effectively disarm any extreme close range knife attack. They are: 1....
Chi Chi Wu Wu

A Frank Conversation About Internal Power in Martial Arts

Internal power training merits every martial artist’s attention because it is seldom presented in the current traditional understanding of Karate, Kung fu or Tae...
The Sparring Dilemma

The Sparring Dilemma

While sparring is absolutely essential for any martial artist, the real issue is how to develop a safe, effective approach. In my last article, Earning...
Break It Down

Break It Down: Breaking in Martial Arts

A prevailing image associated with the martial arts is that of an intense, screaming guy in pajamas screaming as he breaks a board, or...
BTK Killer

The Best Defense Is A Good Offense

The BTK killer was asked if there was anything that would have made a difference with his victims. He answered, “I guess if they...
Teaching Knife Defense

An Instructors Guide to Teaching Knife Defense to Civilians Part One

The knife is one of mankind’s oldest and most valuable tools. It’s also the weapon of choice for most violent attacks around the world....