Training Center

The Training Center offers articles, tips and more about martial arts training, including traditional, sport and reality martial arts.

Best Practices by Amaury Murgado

Best Practices: How To…Respond Instead of React

The Aug. 9, 2014 shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, triggered a chain of events that changed how the public perceived law enforcement....
Russell Stutely

How to Learn Pressure Points Correctly?

I want to share some really important information with you. People often ask me the best way to learn how to use Pressure Points, so,...
Jou Tsung Hwa

Creativity, Culture, Power Plays and the Dao Of Movement

There are many fields of creativity in the realm of physical movement, but how serious are people in even attempting to reach the very...
Get Real with Dan Meadows

Locked and Loaded: Ready to Engage

Get Real: Locked and Loaded Depending on what a dictionary, search engine, or person has to say, the “Locked and Loaded” quote or saying can...
Tussey Custom PistolSmith

“Ultra Thin” Handgun Grips from Tussey Custom

Long known for custom handguns, not many people know that Tussey Custom also specializes in a few high quality, custom bits and pieces for...
Jim Wagner Articles

Learn How To Strike A Human Head with the Reality-Based Impact Head

class="td_pull_quote td_pull_center">Once my students have the motion and timing down for hand and arm strikes they never see a focus glove again. Instead...
Pressure Point Techniques

Pressure Point Techniques: How Safe Are They?

A team of doctors try to find out! From the time George Dillman began to demonstrate kysho-jitsu (pressure point fighting), which he learned from Hohan...
Jim Wagner Articles

Using Closed Fist Or Open Hand Strikes?

In most police academies and military combat units worldwide professional students are taught to use closed fist strikes when resorting to hand-to-hand conflict. When...
Vladimir Vasiliev Russian Martial Arts

Systema Training for Effective Defense in Confined Space

Effective Defense in Confined Space comes from two essential abilities: - the skill of working (defending yourself) in one spot (for example, behind a desk...

Warrior Training with Traditional Martial Arts Part 1

Part One: Traditions – Introduction “The way you train is the way you fight and the way you fight is because of the way you...
Iain Abernethy

The Basics of Bunkai – Part 2

In this second article, we'll be looking at the basic application (bunkai) for the knife-hand block or "shuto-uke". As we established in The Basics...
Jim Wagner Articles

Dealing With Combat Stress Before It Happens

How will you perform under combat stress. When the moment of truth arrives? What's going to happen to you emotionally when you're locked in...
Vladimir Vasiliev Russian Martial Arts

Be a Moving Target

Everyone knows that shooting a moving target is much harder than a fixed one. It requires additional efforts and skill. Something similar happens in...
Donald Miskel

Fifty-Sixth Year Observations: Martial Arts Developed for Self Defense and Combat

Today is October seventeenth, two thousand and thirteen. Today I made sixty six years of age. That means I am no longer young. Actually...
Judo Throw

Adding Judo to Your Self-Defense Toolbox Part 2

Read Judo Part 1 The Force of Competitive Throws The Impact of someone being thrown on their head on concrete is far more devastating than the...
Donald Miskel

Unarmed Against a Bladed Weapon

You might get your butt whipped for carrying a knife but it usually wouldn’t land you in jail. Consequently everyone on the streets carried...