Training Center

The Training Center offers articles, tips and more about martial arts training, including traditional, sport and reality martial arts.

The History of Karate

Karate: A Brief Overview And How To Supplement It With Reality-Based-Training For A Post...

Karate is a martial art that originated in Okinawa with strong roots to China; it was also frequently called kenpo. The term “karate” originally...
Joe Lewis Flying Sidekick

Jump Kicks

Jump kicks are one of the most popular martial arts techniques. Various martial arts experts agree that these kicks are one of the most...
Martial Arts Training For Military Personnel

The Importance of Martial Arts Training and Competition

Man has been a part of fighting and battles since the beginning of man. His movements are natural- atavistic reactions similar to those of...
Choke Defense

Three-Step Adaptable Choke Defenses

Whether you’re talking about a mixed martial arts bout, or vicious street attack, getting “choked” has to be one the scariest things to happen...
Self-defense Sequence

Your Secret Self-Defense Sequence

Unconscious Machine Gun of Moves When people come into my self-defense gyms one of the first things I teach them is to have a defensive...

The Four Interconnecting Roots of Martial Arts, Monastic Martial Science & Yoga

If someone tells me there is a dimension of martial practice beyond the obvious, above the commonly held mainstream methodologies and techniques, I want...
Practicing Sanchin Kata

Sanchin Kata

Kata (exercises or forms) are performed in many styles of martial arts. With the help of these particular forms of exercise, many diverse techniques...

NA MEA KAUA HAWAI’I – The Traditional Hawaiian Weapons of War

Hawaiian weapons were carved out of Koa wood. Clubs were often inlaid with shell or bone for decoration. In some cases like the Hawaiian...
Stephan Kesting Grapplearts

The Basic Butterfly Guard Sweep

The 'basic' butterfly guard sweep is anything but basic. It is an extremely powerful and sophisticated attack that is difficult for your opponent to...
David Stainko

How To Use And Control Two Weapons Simultaneously

In the long history of humankind, weapons had one of the most significant roles in the development of man. From the very beginning of...
Bratzo Barrena

What to Expect When Training in the Russian Martial Art of Systema?

In his article Bratzo Barrena discusses what to expect when training in the Russian Martial Art of Systema, as most people who attend their...
The Case For Defensive Knife Training

The Case For Defensive Knife Training Part 1

Whenever new students come to Defense Science classes they are usually taken aback by the emphasis on defensive knife training. I remind them that...
The Case For Defensive Knife Training

The Case For Defensive Knife Training Part 2

In Part I we discussed the alarming upsurge of knife violence in First World countries — and the necessity for defensive knife training for...
SNS Rules For Gunfighting

SNS Rules For Gunfighting

A major factor in man’s ability to survive this long is his sympathetic nervous system (SNS), his emergency auto-pilot, because it is this system...

Boundary Tips for Knife Attacks

QUICK TIPS CHART I notice that most students do not clearly understand distance when they practice defense against simulated knife attacks and many practitioners of...
Cardio Kickboxing Safety Tips

Cardio Kickboxing Safety Tips

Are you planning to kick and punch your way to fitness with one of the hot, new cardio kickboxing programs? Currently, millions of exercisers...