Training Center

The Training Center offers articles, tips and more about martial arts training, including traditional, sport and reality martial arts.

Jim Wagner Videos

Jim Wagner Television: Women’s Survival Course – Germany

Jim Wagner's two-day Reality-Based Personal Protection Women's Survival course was videotaped by a German television crew in May of 2009. This is a look...
George Dillman and Chris Thomas

Thanks George Dillman: Understanding Pressure Point Fighting

For some years before I met George Dillman, I had been trying to do interpretation of kata. I knew these movements must have some...

Warrior Training with Traditional Martial Arts Part 2

Physical Development and Training I like to approach training as a concept with stages which I think in a detailed and outlined fashion, can be...
Etiquette: Jet Li Baoquan

Etiquette Among Martial Artists in China

CHINA began its history several thousand years ago, and has since been a state of ceremonies in the world. As early as in the...

Science of Bruce Lee’s One-Inch Punch

Forget all those broken boards and crumbled concrete slabs. No feat of martial arts is more impressive than Bruce Lee’s famous strike, the one-inch...
Jim Wagner Articles

Learn How To Strike A Human Head with the Reality-Based Impact Head

class="td_pull_quote td_pull_center">Once my students have the motion and timing down for hand and arm strikes they never see a focus glove again. Instead...
Thomas Kurz Stretching

4 Stretch Yourself: Splits in Taekwondo, Karate, and Kickboxing

Stretch Yourself: Kinds of Flexibility and the Right Role of Splits in Taekwondo, Karate, and Kickboxing This is the fourth installment of my column on...
Antonio Graceffo Bradal Serey

Bradal Serey

Learning Khmer Kick Boxing with Paddy Carson "We have to remember why we are in that ring we are there to hurt the other guy...
Lee Aldridge

Defense Theory: Street Effective Practice

One of the major factors that distinguish "realistic" fighting systems from more traditional styles, is in the close simulation of a "live" combat situation...
Wrestler Looks at Judo

How A Wrestler Looks at Judo Part 1

Sensei Gary Rasanen, an 8th degree grand master of judo grabs my sleeve and my lapel, similar to a grip used in Chinese shuai...
Martial Arts Speed

The 7 Keys To Martial Arts Speed

Regardless of your martial arts style or method . . . you cannot apply it unless you can react quickly and respond instantly. Speed...
George Dillman and Chris Thomas

Sharing Martial Arts Knowledge Openly

Since I had originally trained in the Shotokan style, I decided to attend a seminar by Shotokan master Hirokazu Kanazawa. During the seminar, Kanazawa-sensei...

Becoming the Total Warrior

We all search for personal refinement and fulfillment, but in the martial arts we work tirelessly to help empower others to become the total...
Russell Stutely Hidden Secrets

Martial Arts The Hidden Secrets – Guessing Game #3

Over the last six or seven years that I have been teaching seminars on Pressure Points, whether it be Kata Bunkai or self Defense...
CrossFit Training Abuse

CrossFit Training Abuse

CrossFit training abuse runs rampant and here is what has been discovered about the program's unsafe practices. Any exercise program is open to abuse by...
Stripes and Bars by Amaury Murgado

Stripes and Bars: Lead, Don’t Blame

WHEN SOMETHING GOES WRONG at an agency, administrators go into self-preservation mode. This, in turn, has a cascading effect all the way down to...