Basic Weightlifting For Martial Arts
In the not-so-distant past weightlifting was discouraged for martial artists. "It will make you slow", "it will make you muscle-bound", and "all you need...
Jim Wagner Geschichte: Training der Deutschen Anti-Terroreinheit GSG9
Jim Wagner, ein Amerikaner, war 1999 und 2000 ein offizieller Ausbilder für Einsatztraining, Spezialoperationen und Schießlehrer für die Deutsche Anti-Terroreinheit Grenzschutzgruppe 9, oder weltweit...
The Hunger Games: Violence Without Responsibility
I went to the newly released movie HUNGER GAMES over the weekend. The blockbuster in its second week earned $364,933,000 million dollars worldwide. A...
Systema Pushups
A few years ago, when I was visiting Mikhail Ryabko in Moscow, he demonstrated a slow fist Systema pushup against the wall. I still...
Accelerate Your Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Path To Black Belt
Achieving a Blue Belt level of Jiu Jitsu may take only a year or two. But what if you’re not content with intermediate Jiu...
Going Postal
From 1983 to 1993 there were ten incidents where postal employees went on homicidal rampages killing a total of 34 supervisors and fellow employees....
Jim Wagner My Self-Defense Instructor: Hotel Security While Traveling
In this My Self-Defense Instructor video Jim Wagner, of Jim Wagner Reality-Based Personal Protection, discusses hotel security while traveling.
SUBJECT: Hotel security for business and vacation
O Goshi, for Sport or Street
A basic and popular Judo throw is O-Goshi, the well-known hip throw. It is an ideal throw for shorter people to employ against taller...
Best Practices: Teamwork Minus the B.S.
We live in an age of political correctness where saying the right things seems to have more value than doing the right things. People...
This Guy is Full of Crap! Training Counterterrorist Teams
EXCREMENT, SHIT, SOMETHING OF NO VALUE. That's the meaning of the word "crap" according to "This guy is full of crap!!!" That's exactly...
Chris Thomas: To The Point Pressure Point Fighting
Chris Thomas is sometimes asked, "How come you aren't a regular columnist for Black Belt or some other magazine?" The answer is that he...
Mark Shuey Cane Defense: Problem – Solution
Problem: You may not be able to execute intricate martial arts techniques in a fight. Solution: Learn simple moves for defending yourself with a...
Can A Lie Protect You: Cover Story
Have a COVER STORY for strangers who strike up conversation with you and you don't want them to know anything about you.
When I was...
Jim Wagner My Self-Defense Instructor: Urban Criminal Ambush
In this My Self-Defense Instructor video Jim Wagner, of Jim Wagner Reality-Based Personal Protection, discusses detecting an urban criminal ambush.
SUBJECT: Detecting an Urban Criminal...
Use the Environment as a Weapon
When I was a corrections officer working in the Costa Mesa Police Men's Jail in 1990 a prisoner attacked me and ran me into...
Sniper Equipment Selection for Police & Corrections
Produced by Jim Wagner, and taught by Police SWAT Officer Dan Erber (Sniper Team), Sniper Equipment Selection for Police & Corrections displays all of...