Training Center

The Training Center offers articles, tips and more about martial arts training, including traditional, sport and reality martial arts.

Jim Wagner: My Self Defense Instructor

Jim Wagner My Self-Defense Instructor: Escaping Nylon Handcuffs

In this My Self-Defense Instructor video Jim Wagner, of Jim Wagner Reality-Based Personal Protection, discusses escaping nylon handcuffs. SUBJECT: How to defeat nylon handcuffs PURPOSE: To...
The Winning Edge

The Winning Edge: One Stance, Three Uses

If you sit around chatting with instructors who teach in law enforcement, you will find a great deal of diversity on any training topic...
Practicing Kata

Katas: Closing the Skill Gap

Although they are often derided by the uninitiated for their perceived lack of practicality, the katas are the key to ensuring karate remains a...
Chris Thomas Block is a Strike

Blocks in Martial Arts are Strikes

I recently was explaining our concepts to a man who had been training at a local martial arts school. It was almost as if...
Gary Dill Jeet Kune Do

Jeet Kune Do Knock Out Potential: Developing JKD Power in Your Punch

We have all observed students execute a punch or strike but upon contact there was just no impact power. When I was involved in...
Gary Dill & The Military Knife

Jeet Kune Do & The Military Knife

The knife has been a vital part of a warrior's personal arsenal for thousands of years. It is nearly as old as mankind. Even with...
Jim Wagner Articles

Project Prayer Flag

When I arrived in California from teaching my Reality-Based Personal Protection courses in Germany last week I had a letter waiting for me at...
Jim Wagner Articles

Project Prayer Flag and POW Network

When I arrived in California from teaching my Reality-Based Personal Protection courses in Germany last week I had a letter waiting for me at...
Police Officer Survival Guide

Police Officer Survival Guide – Schiopathic, Psychopathic Behaviors and Your Survival

Any individual can become violent and the vast majority of society would commit a homicide under the right circumstances. Consequently, it cannot be assumed...
Russell Stutely Hidden Secrets

Martial Arts The Hidden Secrets – Guessing Game #3

Over the last six or seven years that I have been teaching seminars on Pressure Points, whether it be Kata Bunkai or self Defense...

Selective Brick Breaking Using Kinetic Energy

Martial Artsist Dustin Fargher shares about selective brick breaking / depth control using kinetic energy. Breaking top - middle - bottom out of an...
De Ashi Harai is the Judo Jab

De Ashi Harai is like the Judo Jab

Just as in boxing, where it is said that "Everything works off the jab", in Judo it might be said that "Everything works off...
Iain Abernethy

Kata: Lock or a Key

In this article I'd like to briefly discuss some of the ways in which we can view kata, and how, if we adopt a...
Nunti bo in Shishi-no-kun-dai Kata

Nunti Bo: The bo with the sai on the end

In Isshin-ryu we have three bo (long staff) kata. About 20 years ago I was pondering a particular characteristic of one of them. Let...
Jim Wagner Articles

Blood Flowing in a Fight is a Real Possibility

Blood running down into the eyes can blind you during a fight. Blood running down over the lips feels disgusting and many fighters dislike...
Police Officer Survival Guide

Police Officer Survival Guide – Where Crooks Get Guns

A year long study was made by the Dallas Police Department and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms in which recovered guns that...