Training Center

The Training Center offers articles, tips and more about martial arts training, including traditional, sport and reality martial arts.

Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence: Battered But Not Beaten

Mixing Jujitsu with your Tae Kwon Do may save your life! For years Rancella Ferguson ignored her husband’s abusive ways, not seeing it as the...
High Gear Suits

Look for Genuine HIGH GEAR Suits

Last night we received this letter from Tony Blauer about the recent rash of HIGH GEAR knock offs. Tony conceived HIGH GEAR to not...
Police Officer Survival Guide

Police Officer Survival Guide – The California Newhall Incident

On April 5, 1970, the officer survival movement was born out of one of the darkest days in law enforcement's history. In less than...
Internal Work In Wushu Training

Qigong: Internal Work In Wushu Training

COMBINING "internal'' and "external" work is an important aspect of wushu training and commands great attention in all schools of martial arts. Changquan (long-range...
Donald Miskel

Kata and Old School Karate

Many of the past masters knew and perfected one, two or a handful of kata. Now many practitioners know (or half know) many kata....

Scenario Training and Stress in the Training Environment

The modern training arena is becoming more focused on efficiency of skill acquisition. This is primarily due to the increase in the complexity and...
Vladimir Vasiliev Russian Martial Arts

Systema Training Considerations

A human being is a complete system and for this reason we have to make our training a complete and whole system as well...
Tussey Custom .45 ACP

Tussey Custom .45ACPs

Two beauties flaunt top pistolsmith's craftmanship. These 1911's are sound tactical weapons and they're gorgeous! Anyone who even casually looked at the shelf of gun...
Willie Lim Classical Dimension

Willie Lim Unlocks Martial Arts Truths

Willie Lim likes nothing better than to unlock martial arts truths. He is demystifying martial arts, shattering illusions that many would like to keep...

Quest For The Truth – The Origin of Tang Soo Do’s Kata

This article is in response to John Hancock's article, Quest For The Truth : The Origin Of Tang Soo Do's Forms By Brad Dennison ~...
CrossFit Training Abuse

CrossFit Training Abuse

CrossFit training abuse runs rampant and here is what has been discovered about the program's unsafe practices. Any exercise program is open to abuse by...
Jim Wagner Videos

Jim Wagner Geschichte: Training der Deutschen Anti-Terroreinheit GSG9

Jim Wagner, ein Amerikaner, war 1999 und 2000 ein offizieller Ausbilder für Einsatztraining, Spezialoperationen und Schießlehrer für die Deutsche Anti-Terroreinheit Grenzschutzgruppe 9, oder weltweit...
Jim Wagner Fighting Tips

Combatives are Replacing Martial Arts

Did you know that law enforcement agencies and military units are doing away with martial arts. Well, actually they're doing away with just the...

How To Throw A Knock Out Punch

It’s a relatively well known fact that to throw a knock out punch you should put your body into it. This might sound simple...

Taisabaki No Kata – The Body Movements of Form

By Dr. William Durbin ~ It has been acknowledged by most authorities, at least those who actually train in traditional martial arts, that Kata is...
How to Spar for the Street

How to Spar for the Street: Part 3

In this series of articles we are discussing how to make your sparring relevant to real situations. As we've discussed in previous articles, the...