Training Center

The Training Center offers articles, tips and more about martial arts training, including traditional, sport and reality martial arts.

Donald Miskel

Weight Training for Martial Artists

I expect to get two responses to my discussion of weight training for martial artists. One will probably cry, “Perish the thought. Martial arts...
Gary Dill & The Military Knife

Jeet Kune Do & The Military Knife

The knife has been a vital part of a warrior's personal arsenal for thousands of years. It is nearly as old as mankind. Even with...
Mastering Armlocks

Mastering Armlocks

By Jake Westlake ~ In one on one combat there are a variety of ways to ensure victory. Whether it be by striking your opponent, or...
Anatomical Targeting vs Techniques

Anatomical Targeting vs Techniques

Tools, Targets or the Technique: Anatomical Targeting vs Techniques Today we can see a divergence from the more ancient practices as the mainstream martial artist values techniques...
Rick Clark on Judo Chokes Or Shimi-Waza

Rick Clark on Judo Chokes Or Shimi-Waza

In Judo, shime-waza is a general term for a grappling hold that critically reduces or prevents either air or blood from passing through the...
Best Practices by Amaury Murgado

Best Practices: Maintain A Healthy Mind

It's not difficult to find information and inspiration about staying in shape and maintaining a healthy body. However, without maintaining a healthy mind, you...
Sensei Elliot Freeman teaching bouncers

The Bouncers and the Dojo

By Ben Westhoff ~ Sensei Elliot Freeman is surrounded by strip-club bouncers, who are sitting Indian-style in a semicircle around him. A smiling Micheal Ocello,...
Choke Defense

Three-Step Adaptable Choke Defenses

Whether you’re talking about a mixed martial arts bout, or vicious street attack, getting “choked” has to be one the scariest things to happen...

Warrior Training with Traditional Martial Arts Part 1

Part One: Traditions – Introduction “The way you train is the way you fight and the way you fight is because of the way you...
Tai Chi Is Just Ordinary Boxing

Relax Kung Fu Practitioners

I practice karate (Ryukyu kempo and Isshin-ryu) and tai chi chuan. Most people think of me as a karate guy. So, I find it...
Police Officer Survival Guide

Police Officer Survival Guide – Schiopathic, Psychopathic Behaviors and Your Survival

Any individual can become violent and the vast majority of society would commit a homicide under the right circumstances. Consequently, it cannot be assumed...
Donald Miskel

The Necessity of Hand to Hand Combat Training For Traditional Martial Arts

In a day where small arms and massive fire power typifies combat you would think that martial arts training would have faded into obscurity....
Everything Wing Chun Warrior's Wooden Dummy

The Wooden Dummy

The wooden dummy is a training device that is used in many different systems of Chinese martial arts. There are many different designs for...
Jim Wagner Articles

Movie Theater Shooting Survival: Small-Arms Attack Defense Training

At midnight on July 20, 212 in Aurora, Colorado James Holmes, 24, slipped into a movie theater, stood in front of the movie screen...
ActionFlex Escrima Sticks

Negative Impact of Repetition Type Drills in Stick Fighting

The patterned sound of click clack, click clack, click clack is heard as the modern stick fighter's weapon goes through various repetition type drills...
Jim Wagner Articles

Knife Attacks From Around The World

Not all knife attacks are the same. Unfortunately, you would never reach that conclusion by observing the way most martial arts instructors teach their...