Home Safety Center Understanding Terrorism

Understanding Terrorism

Understanding Terrorism in USAdojo.com’s Safety Center will help educate people about terrorism.


TIT for TAT – Training International Transporters for Tactics Against Terrorists

About TIT for TAT Preventing another 9/11 Tragedy Mission: Our perpetual mission is dedicated to exploring and providing the most comprehensive self-defense training tactics for people who...
Council on Foreign Relations

About Terrorism – Council on Foreign Relations

Council on Foreign Relations The Council on Foreign Relations is an independent, nonpartisan membership organization, think tank, and publisher dedicated to being a resource for...

Suicide Killers Documentary

Suicide Killers documentary takes the audience on a disturbing journey deep into a culture that few can comprehend – that of suicide bombers. Filmmaker Pierre...

Not The Same God and the Difference Makes a Difference!

By Rick Mathes ~ I attended my annual training session that's required for maintaining my state prison security clearance. During the training session there...
Get Real with Dan Meadows

Get Real: America – Soft Targets Among Us!

Before I begin, and out of great appreciation, I want to thank Dana Stamos and USAdojo.com for inviting me to write  “Get Real”. This...
Economic Espionage

Protect America’s Trade Secrets: Economic Espionage

The Cold War has ended and many thought that this would end the need for spying and espionage.  Of course, this was not the...

Duvdevan: Israel’s Most Elite Counter Terrorist Unit

Duvdevan, a SF (Special Forces) group within the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) is considered the most elite CT (counter terrorist) unit in Israel. Formed...
Kassem Eid 2013 Chenical Attack Survivor on CNN

Kassem Eid 2013 Chemical Attack Survivor Speaks Out

Kassem Eid, who survived the August 2013 chemical gas attack in Syria where more than 1400 people were killed, shares his horrrible experience after...

Douglas Murray | We Remain Stuck In The John Lennon Response to Terrorism

British journalist, author, and political commentator Douglas Murray has spoken out against what he calls the “John Lennon response to terrorism.” "We remain stuck in...
Vehicle Ramming Terror Attack against Israeli's

Terrorist Attacks in Israel

Yesterday's terrorist attack in Stockholm saddens me greatly. All the more so, since I know how helpless you feel in these situations. Innocent people,...
Understanding Terrorism

Understanding Terrorism

Information Necessary For Understanding Terrorism The purpose of the Understanding Terrorism is to help us learn as much as possible about Terrorism. If you have...
US Says Al-Qaida In Iraq Using Children

US Says Al-Qaida In Iraq Using Children

BAGHDAD  ~ Videotapes seized during U.S. raids on suspected al-Qaida in Iraq hide-outs show the terror group training young boys to kidnap and assassinate civilians,...

Anti-Terrorism Information

Terrorism is the uncontrolled enemy of all and must be fought by all nations together. It is anti-terrorism, through the use of education, that...
Interesting Statistics About Israel

Interesting Statistics About Israel

Here are lots of amazing facts about Israel, the small county that declared independence in 1948. It borders the Mediterranean Sea, Egypt, the Red...
Suicide Bombers

Suicide Bomber 101

“Homicide Bombers will be the next wave of attacks in this country .” With the recent bombings at the Boston Marathon, we realize that Howard...

The Third Jihad

The Third Jihad is not a film about Islam. It is about the threat of radical Islam. In 2015 only a small percentage of the World's 1.8...