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Safety Tips & Alerts

Safety Tips and Alerts on USAdojo.com that will help our readers stay safe and alert to issues that are import to the safety of themselves or others.

Alex Haddox: Are You Aware

Hotel and Taxi Safety For Tourists

An unfortunate reality is that tourists are targets. From the cabby that takes the long way to the hotel to run up the tab...

How to Escape From Quicksand

Would you know how to escape from quicksand if you found yourself sinking? It happened to Indiana Jones, and it could happen to you!...
Active Shooter

Active Shooter Training for Citizens

Active Shooter Training - Are You Prepared? The recent shootings in San Bernardino CA, Colorado Springs CO, Roseburg OR, Charleston SC, Isla Vista CA, Ft. Hood TX,...
Alex Haddox: Are You Aware

Parking Lot Safety, Part 2

Last month we initiated our discussion of Parking Lot Safety. This month we pick up where we left off and conclude our discourse. As you...
Holiday Defensive Wisdom

Holiday Defensive Wisdom From the Army and Santa!

NOT ALL THIEVES ARE STUPID... 1. LONG-TERM PARKING: Some people left their car in the long-term parking at San Jose while away, and someone broke into...

How to Survive a Fire in a High Rise Building

After a horrific blaze consumed a 24-story apartment building in London, How can you survive a fire in a high rise building when its...

Phone Scammers Are Using Familiar Phone Numbers To Steal Information

Phone Scammers are making calls from numbers that look like they could be from a neighbor, or are strangely close to your own number....
Alex Haddox: Are You Aware

Parking Lot Safety, Part 1

Crime is an unfortunate reality in our increasingly compacted urban communities. Raising awareness about the methods used by criminals and equipping readers with the...

How to Survive Getting Hit by a Car

It is a nightmare that seems to be happening more an more often, a pedestrian getting hit by a car, truck or bus. When...

Consent: It’s Simple As Tea

If you're still struggling with consent, just imagine that instead of initiating sex, you're making them a cup of tea. You say, "Oh my...

Holiday shoppers ‘need to keep head on a swivel’ as expert predicts hostile season

Joey Walker, retired Reno, Nevada, lieutenant and self-defense instructor, said 'anything and everything could possibly happen' this holiday season

Safety Alert: Razor Blades in Playgrounds

Razor blades in playgrounds are something new. This month they found razor blades at a local park. The blades were glued to places on...
Protecting Your Child Against Sexual Abuse

Protecting Your Child Against Sexual Abuse in a Martial Arts Environment

Today, more than ever before, we are hearing about cases of sexual harassment and sexual abuse committed in just about every profession, by notable...

How to Help Prevent Child Abduction and Molestation

Having to discuss child abduction and molestation with a child can be difficult and uncomfortable, but warning your children about these dangers is important...
Alex Haddox: Are You Aware

How Tourists Avoid Attack

From the continuing theme of travel protection over the past few articles, we are aware that tourists are selected as targets for criminal attacks....

How To Escape A Car Trunk

A 25-year-old was able to escape a car trunk after a kidnapper allegedly forced her inside. She seized the opportunity to escape after her...