Safety Center

The Safety Center on offers information on civilian safety and self defense, safety tips, anti-bullying articles and information on terrorism and the law and self defense.

Save Your Ass With Self Defense

How To Save Your Ass With Self Defense

By Cassandra Kapp ~ It's awesome if you can take a self defense course...but most of us don't have the money (or time) to commit....
Dispense with Restraint

Dispense with Restraint

When is it alright for a martial artist to dispense with restraint in real life confrontations? A tough question with no easy answer. Indeed...
Gun Crime Dropping

Report Finds Gun Crime Dropping As Sales Climb

July 4, 2006 ~ Gun crimes, suicides and firearms-related accidents declined last year at the same time that firearm and ammunition sales climbed, according...
Fight Back Against Rape - With Fear!

Fight Back Against Rape – With Fear!

Rape. It’s a four letter word that hurls women into the basement of their fears. And it’s every parent’s unspoken fear for their daughter. You...

TIT for TAT – Training International Transporters for Tactics Against Terrorists

About TIT for TAT Preventing another 9/11 Tragedy Mission: Our perpetual mission is dedicated to exploring and providing the most comprehensive self-defense training tactics for people who...
peaceful majority

Why the Peaceful Majority is Irrelevant

By Rachel Ehrenfeld ~ I used to know a man whose family were German aristocracy prior to World War II. They owned a number...
Council on Foreign Relations

About Terrorism – Council on Foreign Relations

Council on Foreign Relations The Council on Foreign Relations is an independent, nonpartisan membership organization, think tank, and publisher dedicated to being a resource for...
Psychiatric Drugs

Psych Drugs, Not Guns, Doing the Killing

Las Vegas, Nevada: 12 years ago, I asked a very pointed question in a press release sent to the National Wire Service immediately following...
Dealing with and Surviving the Criminalization of Self-Defense

Dealing with and Surviving the Criminalization of Self-Defense

This very important article by WR Mann provides information about dealing with and surviving the criminalization of self-defense in the United Stares and other...
Protecting Your Child Against Sexual Abuse

Protecting Your Child Against Sexual Abuse in a Martial Arts Environment

Today, more than ever before, we are hearing about cases of sexual harassment and sexual abuse committed in just about every profession, by notable...

Civil and Criminal Liability for Martial Artists

A Guide to Civil and Criminal Liability for Martial Artists in Physical Altercations Written by It is imperative that there is a guide to civil and criminal liability...
Alex Haddox: Are You Aware

Defensive Weapons, Kubotans

The last defensive weapon I'll talk about in this series is Kubotans. First and foremost, always obey local laws. Country, State, County and even City...
Anti Gun Mom Susan Gonzales

Susan Gonzalez Anti-Gun Mom Turned Survivor

Mike Gonzalez had guns around the house. His wife Susan hated them. When he tried to teach her the basics of shooting, she let...
Alex Haddox: Are You Aware

Hotel and Taxi Safety For Tourists

An unfortunate reality is that tourists are targets. From the cabby that takes the long way to the hotel to run up the tab...
Get Real with Dan Meadows

Get Real: America – Soft Targets Among Us!

Before I begin, and out of great appreciation, I want to thank Dana Stamos and for inviting me to write  “Get Real”. This...
Don't Give Up: defending yourself with a gun

Defensive Gun Use: 25 Year Wars Still Raging Strong

DGU, or “Defensive Gun Use”, is a prime research subject for many pro and anti guns data mongers as it could be used to...