Safety Center

The Safety Center on offers information on civilian safety and self defense, safety tips, anti-bullying articles and information on terrorism and the law and self defense.

Bullycide: Death at Playtime – An Expose of Child Suicide Caused by Bullying

Whilst the UK government focuses on the war in Iraq, the war in British schools and playgrounds which leaves at least 16 children dead...
Melissa Soalt

Everyday Weapons and a Survival Mindset Are A Girl’s Best Friend!

To effectively bring weapons to bear you must vanquish the inner muggers - voices of doubt, can’t, shouldn’t - and overcome moral or spiritual...
Donald Miskel

Bullying Epidemic

Bullying Epidemic In Our Country: There is a bullying epidemic in our country. It probably won’t come as a surprise that it is a major...

How to Survive Getting Hit by a Car

It is a nightmare that seems to be happening more an more often, a pedestrian getting hit by a car, truck or bus. When...
Intel 101 - Evaluating Evidence

Intel 101 – Evaluating Evidence

As seen in the recent Boston bombing tragedy, past intelligence is very important when attempting to find a lead or capture a suspect. On...
Dispense with Restraint

Dispense with Restraint

When is it alright for a martial artist to dispense with restraint in real life confrontations? A tough question with no easy answer. Indeed...
Self Defense Today

Self-Defense Today: Conflict Resolution – The Key Factor in Reality-Based Training Part 2

One of the most distinguishing features of Reality Based Training is the way it deals with conflict resolution. This is broken down into three...
Death to America

Iran – The Greatest Threat to Western Civilization

America is a relatively safe place. However, a regime halfway around the world could destroy our way of life. From the beginning, the current Iranian...
Jujitsu for Self Defense

Tae Kwon Do Black Belt Turns to Jujitsu Self Defense

As one can imagine, Rancella practices her jujitsu self defense techniques with an intensity that is driven from a life experience. She tends to...
Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey

Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey

The infographic below highlights key findings from the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey and presents facts everyone should know about Intimate Partner...
Alex Haddox: Are You Aware

Protecting Against Pickpockets & Purse-Snatchers

I have traveled all of my life. I have been to nearly every state in the United States, all over Mexico, Europe, South America...

About Terrorism – START

START: National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism The National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism, better...
Save Your Ass With Self Defense

How To Save Your Ass With Self Defense

By Cassandra Kapp ~ It's awesome if you can take a self defense course...but most of us don't have the money (or time) to commit....
The Right to Keep and Bear Arms

To Keep and Bear Arms

The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) and Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) today hailed a report from the U.S....
Alex Haddox: Are You Aware

Hotel and Taxi Safety For Tourists

An unfortunate reality is that tourists are targets. From the cabby that takes the long way to the hotel to run up the tab...
Commando Krav Maga

Surviving The Street

One of Moni Aizik’s Level 2 Commando Krav Maga instructors in Holland was attacked and forced to use his training skills and shares this...