Safety Center

The Safety Center on offers information on civilian safety and self defense, safety tips, anti-bullying articles and information on terrorism and the law and self defense.

Suicide Killers Documentary

Suicide Killers documentary takes the audience on a disturbing journey deep into a culture that few can comprehend – that of suicide bombers. Filmmaker Pierre...
Bullying and Substance Abuse

Bullying and Substance Abuse: Who It Affects and Why

By Chris Elkins, MA ~ Bullying transcends childish acts such as teasing, rough housing or joking around. It can be a dangerous activity with devastating...
Self Defense Today

Self-Defense Today: The New Reality Part 1

Self-Defense today is so radically different from the past that it defies recognition. Twenty years ago self-defense meant defending yourself from a random street...

What is Self Defense?

As a teacher, I’m occasionally asked to review textbooks for possible use in new or ongoing classes. Recently I was asked to review an...
Active Shooter

Active Shooter Training for Citizens

Active Shooter Training - Are You Prepared? The recent shootings in San Bernardino CA, Colorado Springs CO, Roseburg OR, Charleston SC, Isla Vista CA, Ft. Hood TX,...
IRS Form

IRS Scam: The ‘IRS’ Has Issued A Warrant For My Arrest

We recently read this article on Forbes website about an IRS scam that uses robo calling to inform you that a warrant is about...
Jen Reviews takes on Self Defense

21 Most Effective Self Defense Techniques Everyone Should Know

Jo Miller, an editor for the website Jen Reviews, asked us to share a wonderful article about the 21 most effective self defense techniques...
Jim Wagner Articles

Racial Profiling: Do It

Immediately after the train bombings in London on 7/7 the New York Police Department implemented a new policy of randomly searching people’s personal items,...
No Bully Zone

Understanding Bullying

The CDC believes that understanding bullying is crucial. Bullying is a form of youth violence defined as any unwanted aggressive behavior(s) by another youth...
Self Defense Tips

Simple Self Defense Tips That Could Save Your Life

These simple self defense tips could save your life, please take a few minutes to read them and then put them into practice when...
Melissa Soalt

Self Defense From The Inside Out

So you finally decide it’s time to learn self defense. Perhaps recent events stirred some What if scenarios. As you take your evening stroll...
How To Survive A Nuclear Blast

How to Survive a Nuclear Blast

The world is on edge as North Korea threatens America with a nuclear attack, and many are imagining the unthinkable. However, if you are...
Cordelia Clancy Concrete Jungle Self-Defense

Self Defense Tips From Cordelia Clancy

There is something truly liberating in knowing you can be your own hero if necessary. The most precious thing our Concrete Jungle self defense...
Violent Attack

Sudden Violence Against Civilians: Are You Prepared?

When I hear in the media about sudden violence against civilians, I often find out that the victim, more often than not, made several...
Self Defense and the Law

A Defense Attorneys Perspective on Self-Defense

After reading the article defining assault, battery, and giving advice on handguns by Trooper Rodney Manuel in the last issue of the Gateway, I...
Don't Accept Bullying

The Real Champ is not Bully Wrestler Nick Chavez

And, the winner is …. We don’t know his name but he’s the real champ. “He” is the 17-year-old Rio Grande High School wrestling team...