Civilian Self Defense

Martial arts related Civilian Self Defense articles, tips and alerts on

Melissa Soalt

Women, Do It With Your Hips!

These hips are big hips. They need space to move around in … These hips are free hips, They don’t like to be held back … These hips...
Self Defense Today

Self-Defense Today: The New Reality Part 1

Self-Defense today is so radically different from the past that it defies recognition. Twenty years ago self-defense meant defending yourself from a random street...
Not every girl depends on men for protection.

How Could the Holy Secrets of Handgunning Be Known By a Woman?

How could the holy secrets of handgunning be known by a woman? Most of my friends have wives or girlfriends who don’t support their gun...
KOMAK System

What is KOMAK?

What is KOMAK? Translated from Persian KOMAK means "help" or "helping". KOMAK is a self-defense system that Ehsan Montaseri has been developing since 2014....
Training Concepts of Defense Science

Key Training Concepts of Defense Science

The USAF Guide to Gaining Defensive Skills The US Air Force conducted a study to determine the effectiveness of training their pilots. After an exhaustive...
Big Pharma not Guns

Big Pharma not Guns

The Link Between School Shootings and Vet Suicides is Big Pharma not Guns and we need to pay attention or continue to suffer the...
Guns Alone Are Not Self Defense

A Gun Alone Is Not Self Defense

A gun alone is not self defense. By itself it is simply a gun, a tool and nothing more. Loading the gun and firing...
Self Defense Today

Self-Defense Today: Conflict Resolution – The Key Factor in Reality-Based Training Part 2

One of the most distinguishing features of Reality Based Training is the way it deals with conflict resolution. This is broken down into three...
Not Victim

Women as Victor or Victim

Years ago the thought of teaching a self-defense program to women would cause me to cringe. I never seemed to be able to encourage...
Psychiatric Drugs

Psych Drugs, Not Guns, Doing the Killing

Las Vegas, Nevada: 12 years ago, I asked a very pointed question in a press release sent to the National Wire Service immediately following...
Violent Attack

Sudden Violence Against Civilians: Are You Prepared?

When I hear in the media about sudden violence against civilians, I often find out that the victim, more often than not, made several...
Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey

Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey

The infographic below highlights key findings from the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey and presents facts everyone should know about Intimate Partner...
Alex Haddox: Are You Aware

Defensive Weapons, Kubotans

The last defensive weapon I'll talk about in this series is Kubotans. First and foremost, always obey local laws. Country, State, County and even City...
Save Your Ass With Self Defense

How To Save Your Ass With Self Defense

By Cassandra Kapp ~ It's awesome if you can take a self defense course...but most of us don't have the money (or time) to commit....
Silent Probe

Ninja Self-Defense 01 – Know Thy Enemy

If having the skills of a Ninja does not absolutely ensure victory, how can an average person with fundamental self-defense skills hope to survive...

Are You Prepared for a Violent Street Attack?

I’m always bemused by the fact that most people don’t consider adding any type of self-defense training to their life skills? Perfectly intelligent people...