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Civilian Self Defense

Martial arts related Civilian Self Defense articles, tips and alerts on USAdojo.com.

Party Girls

Using Common Sense in a Sexual Situation

Not so long ago a radio station aired a piece on how a female can escape an unwanted sexual situation by using an app...
Melissa Soalt

Everyday Weapons and a Survival Mindset Are A Girl’s Best Friend!

To effectively bring weapons to bear you must vanquish the inner muggers - voices of doubt, can’t, shouldn’t - and overcome moral or spiritual...


This is a wonderful video created by Blue Seat Studios that will help kids of all ages understand how to practice CONSENT. "No one else...
Hair Pulling

Hair Pulling Ain’t for Sissies

Some people argue that it’s sissy fighting, while the more sexists condemn it as fighting like a girl. Karate traditionalists argue that it’s not...

Awareness: The Most Important Self-Defense Technique

Top Priority: Be Informed I start many of my self-defense courses by asking people what they think is the most important “tool” or “technique” or...
Save Your Ass With Self Defense

How To Save Your Ass With Self Defense

By Cassandra Kapp ~ It's awesome if you can take a self defense course...but most of us don't have the money (or time) to commit....
Women's Self Defense with Redman Suit

Women’s Personal Protection is a Woman’s Responsibility

More than seventy percent of women in America encounter a violent crime within their life time. Every nine seconds a woman is battered. One...
Active Shooter Training For Citizens

Be Prepared for an Active Shooter

The shootings at Trolley Square, Virginia Tech and the Omaha Mall remind us that violence can strike at any time and in any place....
Melissa Soalt

Self Defense From The Inside Out

So you finally decide it’s time to learn self defense. Perhaps recent events stirred some What if scenarios. As you take your evening stroll...
Jujitsu for Self Defense

Tae Kwon Do Black Belt Turns to Jujitsu Self Defense

As one can imagine, Rancella practices her jujitsu self defense techniques with an intensity that is driven from a life experience. She tends to...
Fight Back Against Rape - With Fear!

Fight Back Against Rape – With Fear!

Rape. It’s a four letter word that hurls women into the basement of their fears. And it’s every parent’s unspoken fear for their daughter. You...
Jen Reviews takes on Self Defense

21 Most Effective Self Defense Techniques Everyone Should Know

Jo Miller, an editor for the website Jen Reviews, asked us to share a wonderful article about the 21 most effective self defense techniques...
Not every girl depends on men for protection.

How Could the Holy Secrets of Handgunning Be Known By a Woman?

How could the holy secrets of handgunning be known by a woman? Most of my friends have wives or girlfriends who don’t support their gun...
Alex Haddox: Are You Aware

Handguns as Defensive Weapons

Weapons are as old as man. From rocks and sticks to the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM), there are enough variations to fill a shelf...
Jim Wagner Articles

The Jim Wagner Use-of-Force Ladder for Civilian Self Defense

Every adversary you come across is going to have the same level of fighting skills and the same reasons for fighting you, right? Wrong....
Psychiatric Medication and Crime

Psychiatric Medication and Crime

The availability of psychiatric medication is a major factor in holding down crime. One major "red herring" is the "conspiracy theory" that the school...