Defensive Gun Use: 25 Year Wars Still Raging Strong
DGU, or “Defensive Gun Use”, is a prime research subject for many pro and anti guns data mongers as it could be used to...
Gun Control in America
A compelling video with a compilation of facts on why the 2nd Amendment and Right to Bear Arms is important. There are reasons why...
America’s Hunters and Gun Control
For the sake of our freedom, don't ever allow gun control or the confiscation of America's guns.
In World War Two, the Japanese Emperor Hirohito...
The Gun Is Civilization
Human beings only have two ways to deal with one another: reason and force. If you want me to do something for you, you...
Arguments About Concealed Carry on Campus
Open Letter to UTK Faculty, Staff and Students,
The Tennessee state legislature is considering legislation that would decriminalize the carrying of concealed weapons on state...
Firearms Safety Rules
As you can see, there are two sets of firearms safety rules. The NRA set is taught at all NRA basic firearms safety courses...
Report Finds Gun Crime Dropping As Sales Climb
July 4, 2006 ~ Gun crimes, suicides and firearms-related accidents declined last year at the same time that firearm and ammunition sales climbed, according...
Shooting Jaquie Creazzo – Single Mom Survives . . . Twice
The First Incident
Jaquie Creazzo was 31 years old in 1994, a recently divorced mother living with her 3 girls in Wheat Ridge, a small...
Susan Gonzalez Anti-Gun Mom Turned Survivor
Mike Gonzalez had guns around the house. His wife Susan hated them. When he tried to teach her the basics of shooting, she let...
Bitches With Guns
As he backed away, away from his intentions to harm her, and from the dude who could have any "fun" he wanted with a...