Home Safety Center Anti-Bullying


USAdojo takes a stand against all types of bullying and wants to help put an end to bullying through education and martial arts training, which helps build strong, confident and kind individuals.

Kid Being Bullied

Saved By The Bee: From Victim to Victor

I had thought I was weak. In my mind I had seen myself as a victim. This moment transformed me from victim to victor....
Bullying A Crime

Bullying, Once A Silent Battle, Now A Crime

TAMPA, Fla. - In a Tampa middle school locker room, prosecutors say four flag football players held down a younger teammate and committed a...
Bullying Kills

Looking at Both Sides of Bullying

Building Healthier Children Many parents, teachers, counselors, and martial arts leaders have long believed that building high self-esteem in every child early in life is...
Bullying and Substance Abuse

Bullying and Substance Abuse: Who It Affects and Why

By Chris Elkins, MA ~ Bullying transcends childish acts such as teasing, rough housing or joking around. It can be a dangerous activity with devastating...

Bullycide: Death at Playtime – An Expose of Child Suicide Caused by Bullying

Whilst the UK government focuses on the war in Iraq, the war in British schools and playgrounds which leaves at least 16 children dead...
Bully Proof Your Child

Bully Proof Your Child

"If your child is a bully victim, they might be glad schools are closed for holidays. But Morne Swanepoel, an accomplished street-mma-fighter, is changing...
No Bully Zone

Understanding Bullying

The CDC believes that understanding bullying is crucial. Bullying is a form of youth violence defined as any unwanted aggressive behavior(s) by another youth...
Stomp the Bullying

Stomp The Bullying

Stomp The Bullying tackles the bullying epidemic “Stomp the Bullying” is a concept that 25 year Guardian Angel and international martial arts expert Sean P. Kelley...
Dr. Clifford L. Thomas TKD Ramblers Workshop

Anti-Bullying Workshop Opens Eyes

About 150 people attend an anti-bullying workshop with presentations on how to deal with bullies, and threatening behavior. Gazette.net by Alice Popovici ~ Anna Hornberger,...
Donald Miskel

Bullying Epidemic

Bullying Epidemic In Our Country: There is a bullying epidemic in our country. It probably won’t come as a surprise that it is a major...
Dave Kovar's Living Lessons

Bully Proofing Your Child

One of the traditional, misguided ways of dealing with a bully is to either tell your child to "just Ignore" it or to bring...
Don't Accept Bullying

The Real Champ is not Bully Wrestler Nick Chavez

And, the winner is …. We don’t know his name but he’s the real champ. “He” is the 17-year-old Rio Grande High School wrestling team...
Ask Dr. Robyn Silverman

Bullying Begins at Home – How Siblings Can Hurt Each Other

Laura Flynn McCarthy, KnowMore.tv ~ What does the face of a bully look like? Is it the angry kid in the school yard, or the...