Master Reza Ghasry, 7th degree Black Belt, began practicing martial arts at the age of nine in Tehran, Iran. As a child, his father wanted him to be a wrestler, but he choose to study, what was then called, Tang Soo Do. He won his first national title in Tae Kwon Do in 1983 at the age of 16. He went on to win two more Iranian national titles in 1984 and 1985 and, after immigrating to Canada, he won two Canadian national titles in 1990 and 1991.
Reza Ghasry competed in a variety of national and international events while a competitor. He represented both Iran and Canada at the World Tae Kwon Do championships. Eventually Reza Ghasry retired from competition, but continued to use his expertise as a Canadian national team coach. He won the National Coach of the Year in 1997. In 1998 he became the head coach of Camp Olympia in Ontario, Canada and he was asked to coach by the World Kanzen Budo Kai Association in the United States.
In 1999 Reza Ghasry was inducted into the Canadian Martial Arts Hall of Fame. During the years from 1993 to 2006, Master Reza Ghasry opened and operated two successful martial arts schools in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, The Ghasry Academy of Martial Arts and Champion Martial Arts Centre.
Starting in 2004, Master Reza Ghasry worked regularly as the technical commentator for FoxTV ShinDo Kumate World Kickboxing Championships. In 2005 he published his first children’s book called Michael’s First Class.
In 2006 Master Reza Ghasry relocated to Los Angeles, California to open a private martial arts training studio in Beverly Hills called Champion Spirit Martial Arts, where he continues to be the Director and Head Instructor.
- 2006: Commentator for Fox TV Shindo Kumite World Championships
- 2005: Co-author of Michael’s First Class (children’s book)
- 2004: Commentator Fox TV Shin-Do Kumite World Kickboxing Championships
- 1999: 7th Degree Black Belt Moodukkwan Taekwondo
- 1999: Certified National Instructor (World Taekwondo Federation of Canada)
- 1999: Canadian Martial Arts Hall of Fame
- 1997: Head Instructor Camp Olympia (Ontario, Canada)
- 1997: Canadian Coach of the Year
- 1996: Level III NCCP Certification (National Coaching Certification Program)
- 1995: Certified Om Yoga Instructor
- 1995: Ontario Team Coach (Olympic Taekwondo)
- 1992: Owner/Head instructor of Ghasry Academy of Martial Arts & Champion Martial Arts Centre (Toronto)
- 1991: Canadian National Middleweight Champion (Olympic Taekwondo)
- 1990: Canadian National Middleweight Champion (Olympic Taekwondo)
- 1989: Canadian National Sports Achievement Award for Outstanding Performance
- 1989: Ontario Athlete of the Year
- 1985: Iranian National Heavyweight Champion (Olympic Taekwondo)
- 1984: Iranian National Middleweight Champion (Olympic Taekwondo)
- 1983: Iranian National Welterweight Champion (Olympic Taekwondo)