Michael Depasquale Jr. passed away on May 14, 2023 of heart complications. He leaves behind the devastated martial arts and action entertainment communities.
“I Lost One of My Dearest Friends. We spoke every week, and I knew the pain he was in, which most people did’nt realize. I will miss him. RIP my Friend. We will carry your legacy forward and let the world know who you were. A great Loss for the Martial Arts world. We will Dedicate Our Event 2024 to My Buddy, Michael Depasquale Jr..” ~ Sifu Alan Goldberg
Michael DePasquale, Jr. was born to Michael DePasquale Sr., Grandmaster of the Yoshitsune Waza style of Ju-Jitsu. Michael Jr’s martial arts career began when he was only five years old when he began studying Yoshitsune Ju-Jitsu with his father. He held the coveted rank of Ni Dai Soke or heir to the rank of Grandmaster. Besides training with his father, Michael Jr. had been certified by the FBI Instructors’ program and had additional training in Bombs, Security Management, Inc (specializing in knife and gun disarmament), as well as Defensive and offensive knife techniques. Mr. DePasquale had also had training in evacuation skills.
He also had training in Business Administration from Bergen Community College.
Founder, Federation of United Martial Artists (FUMA – Crusade Against Crime)
International Protection – Security Position Executive
Advanced Defensive Tactics Instructor
Trainer of NYPD Defensive Tactics Instructors
Trainer of 1st Division of the Armed Special Forces
Trainer of FBI Personnel
Trainer of U.S. Marshals
Trainer of Postal Police
Producer of Anti-Crime Television Show (FUMA Crime prevention Clinic)
Conducted Crime Awareness/Anti-Rape Seminars
Body Guard
Author, Streetwise Safety Series
Consultant, Corporate, Institutional, and Educational Security
Creator, COMBAT CARDIO personal fitness/self-defense program
International Law Enforcement trainer
Trainer of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Film Production Security
Event Security
Political Candidate Security
Michael has an extensive background in communications. He is currently the Editor/Publisher of Karate International Magazine. KI is the largest full-color Martial Arts and Entertainment Magazine in the World. He is also the Information Provider/ Executive Director of the Martial Arts Worldwide Network, WWW.MAWN.NET. This is the largest single source of Martial Arts news, education and information in cyberspace with over 36,000 pages. Amongst his other ventures, Michael has now completed filming his first feature length film as Executive Producer, Writer and Lead. Not only was he working with the stunt/fight coordination, but he also wrote three songs for the film. The “Cutoff,” is his company — Screen Action Production’s — first step into the Mainstream.
Regis Philbin (6 segm.) Guest Speaker: Anti-crime / streetwise safety demo.
Yo! MTV Raps Guest Speaker: Anti-crime / streetwise safety demo.
Nickelodeon Guest Speaker: Anti-crime Message
Attitudes Guest Speaker: Handicapped / streetwise safety demo.
The 700 Club Guest Speaker: Handicapped / streetwise safety demo.
13 Week Mini-Series Producer: FUMA Crime Prevention Clinics
“Chop/Chop” (1967) Documentary first Martial Arts film produced in the US by a major Production Company (Paramount Pictures)
“King of the Kick Boxers”
“Blood Brothers”
“ China Heat: Paid in Blood”
“American Shaolin”
“The Power Within”
“The Cutoff”
Upright Street to Ground Grappling Illegal Strikes, Strangulations & Submission Holds
Grappling for Karate Practitioners Police Defensive Tactics
Falling with Immediate Recovery MDP Sr. Stick & Cane Techniques
MDP Sr. Pressure Point Knockout Techniques MDP Sr. Te-Waza Hand Techniques
MDP Jr. 10 Favorite Street Techniques Shark Bait Self Defense
Black Belt Ceremony Grandmasters in Action
Combat Judo/Streetwise Ju-Jitsu Action Film Seminar
Combat Ju-Jitsu (4 tape series) Yoshitsune Ju-Jitsu (5 tape series)
Ring Deadly Street Lethal (2 tape set)
Publisher / Editor:
Karate International Magazine: World’s Largest full-color Martial Arts / Entertainment Magazine.
Ninja the Deadly Warrior Martial Arts Magazine
Combat Karate Martial Arts Magazine
Nin Ju Ka, The Deadly Art: Martial Arts Special Issue Magazine
Monarch Illustrated Guide to Ju Jitsu Book Simon & Schuster
Ju Jitsu Book Simon & Schuster
Women’s Guide to Self Defense Book Simon & Schuster
Learn the Martial Arts in Eight Weeks Book Simon & Schuster
Martial Arts for Young Athletes Book Simon & Schuster
Step By Step Guide to the Martial Arts Book Hamlyn
Who’s Who in the Martial Arts Elite Book MDP Enterprises
StreetWise Safety for Women Book Charles E. Tuttle & Co.
StreetWise Safety for Children Book Charles E. Tuttle & Co.
Graduate of the New York Academy of Theatrical Arts
Studied with William Hickey of the H.B. Studios
Information Provider/Executive Director of the America Online sponsored Martial Arts Worldwide Network. (Keyword: MAW): The largest single source of Martial Arts Information.
Founder of the Federation of United Martial Artists (FUMA)- Crusade Against Crime and Drugs, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to pro-active programs of education and training in crime awareness and self-defense.
President of the International Federation of Ju-Jitsuans (I.F.O.J.J.). An international organization dedicated to promoting brotherhood and unity throughout the Martial Arts Community.
At the age of 24 recognized by “Official Karate Magazine” as their ‘Martial Arts Star of the Year.’
AAU East Karate Championship (‘81)
Qualified for the Pan American Team Trials
Founder of the “Action Film Making Seminars”
To date, he has also been inducted in 12 Martial Arts Halls of Fame.
He taught the 1st Division of The Army Special Forces, F.B.I. , U.S. Marshals, Postal Police, the New York City Police Academy and many other law enforcement personnel.
Future projects include Combat Cardio and Police Defensive Tactics training.
To contact Michael DePasquale, Jr. and DePasquale Yoshitsune Martial Arts Academy visit their listing on the Martial Arts Schools and Businesses Directory by clicking on the image on the left.