Michael Belzer is a lifelong martial artist with over 50 years of experience in a variety of fighting arts achieving his 8th Dan in Danzan Ryu Jujutsu, Advanced Instructor in Serrada Escrima and Gomokuroku in Shindo Muso Ryu Jojutsu.
Michael began his training in Shindo Muso Ryu in 1974 at the age of 18 at the Rembukan Dojo under the 25th Headmaster of the art, Shimizu Takaji in Japan. He continued his training in the art in 1979, in Malaysia when he became a student of Donn F. Draeger, who was the first foreigner ever allowed to study and train in this Classical Martial Art of Japan.
In 2008, Michael met Steven Bellamy-sensei, a Menkyo Kaiden (complete Transmission) of SMR and became his Deshi (personal student) to learn the advanced aspects of the art by making regular trips to Japan.