According to data from New York City-based research firm Simmons Market Research
18.1 million Americans participated in karate or some other form of martial art at least once in the past year.
9.4 million adults
5.5 million teenagers
3.2 million children
5% of adults say they participated in martial arts last year at least once, and 28% say they do martial arts “every chance they get.This group splits fairly evenly between men and women.
Gender breaks down as follows:
Men 52%
Women 48%
Age groups break down as follows:
18-34 63%
35-49 25%
50 or older 11%
Etnic groups break down as follows:
5% Asian Adults participated in martial arts the last year
5% White Adults participated in martial arts the last year
7% Black Adults participated in martial arts the last year
25% Teen Boys participated in martial arts the last year
22% Teen Girls participated in martial arts the last year
There are approximately 30,000 martial arts schools in the United States.