Sifu Marc Davis is the Proprietor of the MD Martial Arts Academy. He was born in England 1974 and spent the early years of his life growing up in Jamaica. He was always very physical and had his first introduction to martial arts in the form of boxing and karate by his family who were involved with martial arts.
Sifu Marc Davis was first inspired into the study and practice of martial arts from a very young age after seeing two legendary martial arts masters in action, Bruce Lee and Morihei Ueshiba.
Sifu Marc Davis has been studying martial arts for more than 30 years. He has studied various martial arts styles including karate, wing chun, aikido, boxing, thai boxing, pencak silat, jiu jitsu and both yang and chen style tai chi. Sifu Marc Davis is also an experienced and proficient chi gong practitioner.
Sifu Marc Davis has studied Shukukai Karate, Renshinkai Karate, Freestyle Kung Fu, Wado Ryu Karate, Aikido, Boxing, Kickboxing, Wing Chun Kung Fu, Wu Shu Kwan, Pencak Silat, Yang Style Tai Chi, Chi Gong – internal breathing, Chen Style Tai Chi and developed MD Martial Arts. MD Martial Arts is a very powerful and street effective form of combat. MD Martial Arts is not simply a mish-mash of other martial arts styles but rather, it is Sifu Marc Davis’ own honest interpretation and expression of martial arts and combat based on scientific observations of human body mechanics as well as cognitive functioning and emotional responses and reactions in both yourself and your opponent.He has also studied holistic arts such as yoga and continues to practice martial arts with an even greater desire and dedication, remaining open minded and always willing to learn.
After gaining a strong foundation and studying many different styles Sifu Marc Davis still felt unfulfilled and knew something was missing. With this burning desire he developed his own unique system of martial arts known as MD Martial Arts and this best represented his views in martial arts and combat.
The Importance of the Yin & Yang and Tiger
In the MD Martial Arts System there have two main symbols, the first is the Yin & Yang which represents the dual forces of two energies that merge together and constantly interchange between each other. This represents the skill and flexibly to change and adjust in any combat situation and also in life.
These forces are often referred to as internal and external in the world of Martial Arts. Below are a few examples of Yin & Yang and why they exist together as one. Without this oneness one of these energies or areas would reach an extreme point causing unbalance.
Thus Yin & Yang is the way of life and is necessary for the natural order and balance of all things.
Soft & Hard • Negative & Positive • Water & Fire
In the MD System we also use a roaring Tiger. This is for several reasons.
First the founder Sifu Marc Davis was born in the year of the Tiger and as the MD System is a direct expression of Sifu Davis, he feels a natural connection to the Tiger.
Secondly – In the MD System we feel that in combat you must always have a warrior’s spirit.
The Tiger therefore represents grace , ferocity , no fear and 100% fighting spirit with the will never to give up.

To contact Marc Davis and MD Martial Arts Academy’s visit their listing on the Martial Arts Schools and Businesses Directory by clicking on the image on the left.