Systems and Styles

Read all types of articles about martial arts systems and styles on

Martial Arts Styles Do Exist

Martial Arts Styles Do Exist

Recently, I saw a Facebook video of a grappling competition, between a freestyle wrestler and a Brazilian Jujitsu practitioner. There are a lot of...
Chun Kuk Do

Chuck Norris’ Martial Arts Style Chun Kuk Do

Chun Kuk Do (pronounced chun gook do) means The Universal Way. It was originally developed by Chuck Norris during his unprecedented fighting career as...
Lai Chung Ch’uan Fa

Lai Chung Ch’uan Fa Modern Kung Fu

Lai Chung Ch’uan Fa is a modern form of kung fu that was developed in the late 20th century and mixes two traditional Shaolin...
Daito-ryu Aiki Jujutsu

Daito-ryu Aiki Jujutsu

Arts such as sumo, judo, karate, and wrestling, are often called "fighting arts." While it is not our purpose here to argue whether or...
Seieido Style


Seieido (Sei Ei Do The Elite Path of Mastery), was developed by Master Dave Johnson and is the perfect blend of numerous martial art...
Kanken Toyama

Shudokan Karate

With the advent of Gichin Funakoshi's introduction of Okinawan Karate to Japan in the early 1920's, the popularity of karate began to grow. Soon,...

Lama Wushu Hop Gar

A style of Wushu emphasizing combat effectiveness. The style is based on Lion Roar Wushu, which originated during the Tang dynasty and was taught...
Osias Banaag

Rebirth of the Ancient Sport of Sikaran

FILIPINOS, before the arrival of the Spaniards, had their own sports. Notable among these were, Patintero (no word in English) Tago Taguan (hide and...
Gordon Richiusa 5 Bird System

Gordon Richiusa: Five Bird System

When is a style really a style? What makes a fighter a martial artist? And what do we call a style that is founded...
Goju-Ryu Karate

Goju-ryu Karate

Goju-ryu is well known as a hard/soft style of karate. Founded in the 1920s by Chojun Miyagi, the system blends the hard linear Okinawan...
Full Contact Stick Fighting

Filipino Full Contact Stickfighting

Filipino Full Contact Stickfighting is an exciting martial art and sport where two superb Eskramadors /Arnisadors square off to battle with one or two...


Bersilat means "to do fighting" and this Malaysian martial art is similar to Pentjak Silat, an Indonesian martial art, which it is thought to...
Ueshiba Morihei O'Sensei

About Aikido

Eight forces sustain creation: movement and stillness, solidification and fluidity, extension and contraction, unification and division. Techniques employ four qualities that reflect the nature of our world....

KAPAP: The Original Israeli Martial Art

Four years ago the martial arts community outside of Israel’s borders knew of only one Israeli martial art system, and that was Krav Maga...
Budo Taijutsu

Budo Taijutsu

Masaaki Hatsumi Sensei (Bujinkan Dojo) has decided to rename the art of Ninjutsu - "Budo Taijutsu" to try and eliminate the Western misconceptions about...
Hwa Rang Do

Hwa Rang Do: The Way of the Flower of Manhood

One of the oldest Korean arts of combat. Hwa rang do means "the way of the flower of manhood," since it was originally taught...