Systems and Styles

Read all types of articles about martial arts systems and styles on


Facts About Ninjutsu – What You Never Knew

Ninjutsu has always been this mysterious and bigger than life subject - part myth, part fantasy. It’s been greatly misrepresented in movies, anime and...
Shuai Chiao

Shuai Chiao, The Mother of Kung Fu

Shuai-Chiao, the Mount Everest of China's martial arts ranges, is a famous killing style paneratium in its sublimity of Kung fu package. This age-old...
Kung Fu

Kung Fu

Kung fu is an almost impossible category. Kung fu is attached to almost any martial art that comes from China. It is the generic name for...

Jujutsu: The Art of Yielding and Pliability

Traditional Jujutsu is considered a Japanese cultural art (as are kado, or flower arrangement; chado, or tea ceremony; and shodo, calligraphy). Traditional Jujutsu systems all have documented...
Lai Chung Ch’uan Fa

Lai Chung Ch’uan Fa Modern Kung Fu

Lai Chung Ch’uan Fa is a modern form of kung fu that was developed in the late 20th century and mixes two traditional Shaolin...


Taekkyeon is a fluid, full-body Korean martial art that focuses on kicks, leg sweeps and acrobatic lower body movements. The practice, which dates back...
Ta Mo of Kung Fu and Wu Shu

Kung Fu and Wushu

Kung Fu: The Short Explanation In general, Kung Fu is a label used to describe any martial art that comes from China. It is the...

Matsubayashi Shorin-ryu

Matsubayashi-ryu is also known as Matsubayashi Shorin-ryu, It is a school of Okinawan Tomari-te karate founded by Shoshin Nagamine (1907-1997) in 1947. the Matsubayashi...

Is Brazilian Ju-jitsu Kosen Judo?

This video discusses the history of Gracie jiu jitsu and Kosen Judo.

Carlos Gracie and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Brazilian Jujutsu or Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (abbreviated to BJJ) is a modern, cutting edge, style of martial art that was developed from judo and the...
Patrick McCarthy Thinking Outside the Box

Think Outside the Box

Sometimes you don't know how to fit in until you break out.  Breaking out is necessary to penetrate deeper within. Introduction At 54 years old, Patrick...

What Jujutsu Is Not

Over the last few days I have had a few occasions to discuss what Jujutsu is and what Jujutsu is not, and in both...
Karate Do

The Evolution of Karate-do

Today there are four main styles of karate-do in Japan and they include Goju-ryu, Shorin-ryu, Shotokan, and Wado-ryu. Bodhidharma also known as known as "Daruma"...
Dan Anderson

American Freestyle Karate

"Karate" is a term made up of two Japanese words, "kara" and "te" meaning "empty hand". It is one kind of self defense system...

KAPAP: The Original Israeli Martial Art

Four years ago the martial arts community outside of Israel’s borders knew of only one Israeli martial art system, and that was Krav Maga...