Systems and Styles

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Hsing Yi Chuan creator by General Yu Fe

Hsing Yi Chuan

Hsing Yi Chuan is one of the three internal arts. Like Tai Chi and Pa Kua, Hsing Yi is taught with three purposes in...
Jim Wagner Articles

Inside the Martial Arts of the Israeli Military

Osama Bin Laden’s al-Qaeda terrorist network claimed that they brought down the World Trade Center towers and punched a hole into the Pentagon on...
Kapap Logo

Behind the Headlines: The Yamam and Israeli Kapap/CQB Training

Kapap was the first CQB training introduced in Israel and was based on stick fighting, knives, guns, hand-to-hand and even stone throwing in the...
Muay Thai

Muay Thai Fighting History

The art of Thai boxing is a self-defense technique that is as old as Thailand itself.  Muay Thai fighting is a branch of knowledge, which...
Richard Ostrofsky

Richard Ostrofsky Aikido

Aikido As Political Theory Time out of mind, martial arts have been practiced by aristocrats and by thugs. Middle-class people, concerned with cost accounting, profit...

Doing a Form of Tai Chi Chuan

Speak to your friends who do Karate or Tae Kwon Do about Tai Chi Chuan and they will tell you it is a slow...
Dog Brothers Martial Arts

Eric Knaus on Dog Brothers Fighting and Pekiti Tirsia

Top Dog here, for this once delurking to set the record straight concerning the claim, which pops up from time to time, that Pekiti...

Kuntaw Grappling

This Philippine Martial Art of Kuntaw is a flexible, complete fighting system, which can be modified for any style of competition. Almost no one had heard...
Kuk Sool Won

Kuk Sool Won

Kuk Sool Won is beautiful and dynamic "hard-soft" style of martial arts emphasizing speed and fluidity. At the same time it is an elegant...
Seikendo Healing Arts

Seikendo Healing Arts

Seikendo healing arts are taught in the Seibukan Jujutsu system and is a synthesis of various healing arts. These arts are: Shiatsu (Japanese finger...
Cuong Nhu

Vietnamese Style of Cuong Nhu

Cuong Nhu is a Vietnamese style of Karate. It's name comes from the Vietnamese phrase for yin and yang because it combines both hard...

History of Lotar and Kapap

Definition of the terms Krav Maga and Krav Panim le Panim (kapap): The following definition appears in the 1965 Army dictionary: Krav Panim Le...

The Orgins of Daito-ryu Aiki-jujutsu

It is believed that the traditional Japanese martial art Daito-ryu originated within the family of Emperor Seiwa who reigned from 858 to 876 AD. In...
Jim Wagner

About Reality Based Systems of Martial Arts

The term "martial arts" literally means "war arts," and reality based systems have returned to that original concept emphasizing techniques and training methods that...

Bando – Armed and Unarmed Combat From Burma

Despite the Chinese influences, Bando is credited as a style of armed and unarmed combat native to Burma. It is an assimilation of Karate-like...
History of British Karate and Jujutsu

History of British Karate and Jujutsu

The first Englishman to be made a Samurai was William Adams (read his Wikipedia page) in the 1600s. But Adams was a one-off. He...