Systems and Styles

Read all types of articles about martial arts systems and styles on

Bruce Lees Jeet Kune Do – The Art of Fighting Without Fighting

The bully poses the question, “What style are you? “And Bruce responds, “The art of fighting without fighting.” The bully repeats the response like...
The Budokwai Official Showreel

The Budokwai Centennial

January 26, 2018 marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Budokwai, also known as GK House, by Gunji Koizumi in 1918. The...


Banshay is a term for martial arts of Myanmar (formerly Burma, which borders India, China and Thailand). Banshay, is a general term that focuses...
Hsing Yi Chuan creator by General Yu Fe

Hsing I Chuan Body Mind Boxing

Hsing I Chuan translates to "form and intention boxing" or "body-mind boxing". The history of Hsing I Chuan is unclear. One account credits Boddhidarma...
Shotokan Karate

Shotokan Karate

Shotokan is a style of karate, developed from various martial arts by Gichin Funakoshi (1868-1957) and his son Gigo (Yoshitaka) Funakoshi (1906-1945). Gichin was...
Kenwa Mabuni Shito-Ryu


Karate has been taught outside of Japan for almost 40 years, and was exported to the rest of the world along both stylistic and...
Founders of Kajukenbo

The Martial Art of Kajukenbo

The martial art of Kajukenbo is an evolving, eclectic blend of various martial arts styles. The word Kajukenbo was derived from the initial letters...
Jim Wagner Articles

Krav Maga Not Alone Anymore

Many of you who visit are Krav Maga practitioners. Lately some of you may have been hearing about other Israeli martial arts systems...

Shobayashi Shorin-ryu

Shobayashi Shorin-ryu is a style of Okinawan Shorin-ryu karate founded by Chotoku Kyan and passed to Eizo Shimabukuro. Eizo Shimabukuro dropped the Chatan Yara...

Krav Maga: A Generalization

By Chaim Peer, Moni Aizik, Avi Nardia, Johan Castillo Krav Maga is a beautiful martial art, created by one of the most influential and leading...
Doce Pares

Doce Pares

Doce Pares is actually the conglomeration of various styles that each founding Master brought into the organization when it was formed in 1932. There...

Silat Beksi Fighting To Stay Relevant

In an article in TheJakartaPost, we read an article about Silat Beksi that we found interesting. Jakarta's society is consistently modernizing and Silat Beksit, a...
Khmer Wrestling

Kun Khmer or Pradal Serey

Kun Khmer or Pradal Serey in Khmer English stands for Free Boxing or Khmer Boxing. It is one of the Khmer names for the...
Iain Abernethy

Karate Grappling: Did It Really Exist?

Karate grappling, does it really exist? In this article I’d like to ask does karate grappling really exist? This is a potentially controversial subject as...
American Combat System

Stephen Spivey’s American Combat System

American Combat System (A.C.S.). A.C.S. was created in 1993 by Stephen Spivey. The system is a blend of Stephen's influences and experiences. This style...
Korean Yudo

Tang Soo Do: A Mixture of Hard and Soft Styles

Tang Soo Do is a Korean martial art with an emphasis on kicking. Tang Soo Do stylists use what they feel are the strongest weapons on...