Systems and Styles

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Leo Gaje, Jr.

Pekiti-Tirsia Kali

Kali is the indigenous fighting art of the Philippines. With its Cultural and Philosophical values its history traces back more than 1500 to 2000...
Khmer Wrestling

Kun Khmer or Pradal Serey

Kun Khmer or Pradal Serey in Khmer English stands for Free Boxing or Khmer Boxing. It is one of the Khmer names for the...

Praying Mantis Fist or Tang Lang Quan

According to legend the Praying Mantis Fist or Tang Lang Quan was created by Wang Lang, also known as Fa Ming, during the Song...


Qigong (pronounced chee goong) is a Chinese system of physical training, philosophy, and preventive and therapeutic health care. Qi (or chi) means air, breath...
Qwan Ki Do

Qwan Ki Do

Qwan Ki do literally means "the way of the fist and the energy."  This Vietnamese martial art is similar to Karate. It was founded...

RMCAT Rocky Mountain Combat Applications Training

What RMCAT is instructing is effective and applied self defense for today's world. You can do far more to protect yourself than you may...
ROSS Performance Enhancement System

ROSS Performance Enhancement System

ROSS Performance Enhancement System was formulated by SCOTT SONNON, USA National Team Coach, International Champion, International Hall of Fame inductee, Master of Sport, teamed with...
AmerROSS and Russian Martial Arts

Russian Martial Arts

Nikolay Travkin, President of AARMACS, Inc., American Academy for Russian Martial Art and Combat Skill, shares the history of Russian Martial Arts. The History of...

San Shou

San Shou is a martial art which was originally developed by the Chinese military based upon intense study of various traditional methods and combined...


Savate is a French martial art. It is also known as boxe française, French boxing, French Kickboxing or French Footfighting. Savate uses both the...
Seieido Style


Seieido (Sei Ei Do The Elite Path of Mastery), was developed by Master Dave Johnson and is the perfect blend of numerous martial art...
Seifukujutsu Art of Healing

Seifukujutsu Art of Healing

Seifukujutsu is the art of healing developed and propagated in Japan as much as 1200 to 1600 years ago. The origins of the art...
Seikendo Healing Arts

Seikendo Healing Arts

Seikendo healing arts are taught in the Seibukan Jujutsu system and is a synthesis of various healing arts. These arts are: Shiatsu (Japanese finger...

Shooto and Shootfighting

Learning About Shootfighting Shooto represents the martial arts in Japan.  Though it is called Shooting in Japan, it could be easily misunderstood as a competition...
Shotokan Style of Martial Arts


The term Shotokan was derived from Gichin Funakoshi's first official dojo built in 1936 at Mejiro. The dojo was destroyed in 1945 by allied...
Shaolin Ch'uan Fa

Shaolin Ch’uan Fa

Shaolin Ch'uan Fa * means "The way of the Shaolin fist", and stands for an ancient Chinese defense method. Shaolin Ch'uan Fa originated in India...