Why What Who Where

Articles on USAddojo.com about why you should study martial arts, about what art is right for you, about who is the best instructor for you and about where to study martial arts.

Stephen Spivey Survival Guide

System Continuity, A Key Component in a Self Defense System

A Must Have There are many key components that make up a good reality based self defense system. Knowing the psychology of an aggressor, using...
Stephen Spivey Survival Guide

The Vigilance Standard In Self Defense

Our society is becoming more violent. Violent crimes increase daily and yet, our world is more integrated than ever. We travel more, commute from...
Martial Arts Styles

Understanding Martial Arts

There are many ways in which martial arts styles can be divided. Here are a few "defining" terms used when discussing martial arts. Most...
Martial Arts Training Ads

Kung Fu By Osmosis or Martial Arts Training From Videos and Books

Flip open any martial-arts trade magazine, and you’ll find page upon page of ads for merchants selling instructional books and videos. Learn the ancient...
Welcome to the World of the MMA Warrior

World of the MMA Warrior

The demanding training of the MMA warrior is rewarding as it develops the mindset that no matter how hard life throws you to the...
Stephen Spivey Survival Guide

Is There a Caveman Lurking Inside You?

Our intuitive senses and instinctive reactions have been dulled by modern conveniences and "fingertip" technology. Society is also more "civilized", governed by laws and...
Martial Arts Training DVD's

Can Training DVDs Teach Techniques as Well as Humans?

In recent years there's been a boom in the sales of martial arts training DVDs designed to teach certain skill sets to viewers. As...
Mystery of the Mountain: Developing Character

Mystery of the Mountain – Character Development

The Way in the universe cannot be augmented or diminished. Neither can it be taken or be given away. Man must find this out...
Jim Wagner

Reality-Based Personal Protection

Jim Wagner Reality-Based Personal Protection will not only teach you the most up-to-date police, military, security, bodyguard, martial arts, and counterterrorism techniques and training...

Focus On The Process

Are you like many people that focus constantly on winning and seeing results? In today’s world people care too much about winning and loosing....
Tai Chi Potentially Delays Alzheimers

Tai Chi Potentially Delays Alzheimers

In a study recently published by the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, it shows that in a clinical trial, Tai Chi was proven that it...
The Ultimate Destination for Martial Arts

Positive Psychology in Martial Arts

I have had several jobs and careers as a physician, researcher, scientist, psychology professor, life coach, hypnotherapist, artist, and personal trainer. But first and foremost, I am a...
Accident Head Injured

Benefits of Martial Arts For The Head Injured

Martial arts are very beneficial for the head injured, both young and old. Martial arts helps head injured individuals (of which I am one)...