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Articles on USAddojo.com about why you should study martial arts, about what art is right for you, about who is the best instructor for you and about where to study martial arts.

Daniel Wang Tai Chi Styles

Which Tai Chi Style Is Right For You?

The Chinese martial arts talk a lot about internal power and the use of chi (or qi) energy. In any discussion of internal martial...
Martial Arts Practices Relieves Depressions

How To Use Martial Arts To Overcome Depression

Depression is as old as humankind, and is one of the oldest described diseases in the history of medicine. World Health Organization predictions suggest...
Jim Wagner

Reality-Based Personal Protection

Jim Wagner Reality-Based Personal Protection will not only teach you the most up-to-date police, military, security, bodyguard, martial arts, and counterterrorism techniques and training...
Martial Arts Schools Directory

More Questions To Ask When Choosing a Martial Arts School

Looking for martial arts schools in your area. Visit the Martial Arts Schools Directory There are many questions to be asked when you are choosing...

The Evolution of Online Martial Arts Training

There was a quiet but significant evolution taking place in the world of martial arts and that was online martial arts training. Fueled by...
Soke Teruo Hayashi Teaching

Choosing the Best Martial Arts School for Your Children and You

This is a very in depth look at choosing the best martial arts school for your children and for you. Linda Davis-Kyle has done...
Funakoshi: The Gift of Karate

Funakoshi: The Gift of Karate

My favorite Gichin Funakoshi quote is: “Everything you encounter is an aspect of karate: find the marvelous truth there.” Did he say “everything?” Wow! I...
Mystery of the Mountain: Developing Character

Mystery of the Mountain – Character Development

The Way in the universe cannot be augmented or diminished. Neither can it be taken or be given away. Man must find this out...
Choosing the Right Teacher

The Right Stuff – Choosing the Good Teacher

Choosing the good teacher in a different martial art may be better than training with a bad teacher in the martial art you want to study. For years, I...
Martial Arts Training DVD's

Can Training DVDs Teach Techniques as Well as Humans?

In recent years there's been a boom in the sales of martial arts training DVDs designed to teach certain skill sets to viewers. As...
Studying Martial Arts

Power vs. Technique

A common refrain heard at many McDojo’s is the hyperbolic truism that “Size/Strength doesn't matter.” Do me a favor. If you ever hear a sensei...
Martial Arts Helps Asthma

Martial Arts Exercises Good for Asthma Patients

Asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases of the airways of the lungs. In developed countries it affects 7- 10 % of population, and it has got...
Rodney King - Why Do Competitive Sports

Why Do Competitive Sports

Is learning competitive sports like boxing and the lessons learned restricted solely to the ring? For a very long time researchers have been unable to...
Ip Man Quote

Find Your Full Potential in Martial Arts

What is that "something more" that practicing martial arts can provide? Isn't martial arts just about getting in shape and learning to fight? If...
Tai Chi Potentially Delays Alzheimers

Tai Chi Potentially Delays Alzheimers

In a study recently published by the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, it shows that in a clinical trial, Tai Chi was proven that it...
Stephen Spivey Survival Guide

Is There a Caveman Lurking Inside You?

Our intuitive senses and instinctive reactions have been dulled by modern conveniences and "fingertip" technology. Society is also more "civilized", governed by laws and...